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BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 00:56
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Tämä topikki on tarkoitettu kaikenlaisia BBUK 10:n liittyviä spoilereita ja/tai myös mahdollista "liveseurantaa" varten (esim. häädöt ja overnight livestream yms...)

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 01:07
Kirjoittaja Punde
Meneekös tää niin että Listat, muu keskustelu ja semmoset tonne toiseen ja tänne uutiset ja muut vastaavat, niinku CBB6:ssa? Vissiin. Ois hyvä ainaki että toi toinen jäis mahdollisimman uutisvapaaks ettei "keskustelu" häiriintyis.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 01:19
Kirjoittaja Ulrika Johnson
eikö tänne laiteta kommenttia livestä? näin ymmärsin tuosta ekasta postauksesta.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 01:30
Kirjoittaja Tirkka
Sophie... [smilie=a_smitten.gif] [smilie=a_smitten.gif] Suosikkini kuten varmaan osa teistä olisi osannut jo arvata. ;) Kris ja Noirin myöskin kivoja. Muun listanhan näkee täältä: ... how=Tirkka

EDIT: Vai olisikos tämän saanu laittaa tonne toiseenkin? Siirtäkää ihmeessä jos olisi. En oo liveajassa ikinä katellu BBUK:ta ennen, viimekin vuonna aloitin vasta kuukauden verran myöhässä.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 01:32
Kirjoittaja Punde
Katoin aiempien kausien ja vuosien ketjuja, ja niissä on kaikki löpinä ollu, mahdollisesti spoileritagien kera, ihan tossa normaalissa ketjussa.

Erillinen spoileriketju näytti tulleen kehiin vasta tammikuun CBB:ssä, ja siellä näytti olevan vaan calderyonin postauksia ja kaikki muu löpinä oli Celebrity Big Brother 6-ketjussa.

Vanha tapa toiminu imo hyvin.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 01:58
Kirjoittaja Ulrika Johnson
kertokaa vaan minne saa postailla livepäivityksiä, niin olen sitten siinä ketjussa.. :D

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 02:05
Kirjoittaja Punde
Tänne! Eipähän tarvi ainakaan spoileritageja. Ite oon jo kyllästyny linnunlaulun kuunteluun ja tuskin kattelen liveä jatkossa, joten edellisessä viestissä tarkoitin että ite varmaan höpisen tavalliseen tapaan tuolla toisessa ketjussa, yleensä vähintään päivän viiveellä :P

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 02:22
Kirjoittaja Ulrika Johnson
mitä kautta te katotte sitä liveä Suomessa, nettilivenäkö?

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 02:27
Kirjoittaja Punde
Juu, nettilivenä. Googleta Justin ja tv, tarkemmin en uskalla sanoa.

e: kyllähän tota jumppaa kattelee sivusilmällä, mut en oo seurannu yhtään mitä tapahtuu. Ja vaikka oisin seurannuki, ni varmaan ois linnunlaululla sensuroitu mistä lopulta on kyse :)

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 02:32
Kirjoittaja Ulrika Johnson
jaa joku streamaa sitä suorana... eipä tarvi noita katella kun tosiaan tänne UKhon muutin, niin näkyy ihan telsusta...

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 03:01
Kirjoittaja Ulrika Johnson
Puhelin soi, Lisa vastas ja sai sitä kautta paikan talossa 2 aiemman lisäksi. Lisäksi BB antoi Lisalle mahdollisuuden valita 1 henkilö, josta tulee asukas seuraavan 15 min aikana.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 03:06
Kirjoittaja Punde
Olipa tylsä tapa valita kolmas ja neljäs asukas. Ei mitään mielikuvitusta, todella easy way out sanoisin.

e: ulrika, oliks kivaa kun ulrika voitti cbb:n?)

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 03:13
Kirjoittaja Ulrika Johnson
Punde kirjoitti: e: ulrika, oliks kivaa kun ulrika voitti cbb:n?)
oliko siitä ikinä epäilystäkään? :mrgreen:

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 03:19
Kirjoittaja Punde
Lisa valitsi Krisin. Ihan jees, vaikka veikkaan et Kris ois päässy muutenki asukkaaks.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 03:23
Kirjoittaja Ulrika Johnson
Punde kirjoitti:Lisa valitsi Krisin. Ihan jees, vaikka veikkaan et Kris ois päässy muutenki asukkaaks.
yllättävä veto, luulis, että Lisa olis valinnu jonkun naisen, johonka olettaisi olevan mahkuja...

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 13:19
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Lisa, Kris become official housemates


Lisa and Kris have become the third and fourth contestants to become official Big Brother 10 housemates.

The decision was made when Big Brother telephoned the house and Lisa was the first to pick up the call.

She was informed that she had 15 minutes to choose someone else to join her as a housemate, but was also told that she must keep her decision secret for that time.

Big Brother then spoke to the house and announced that Lisa was the third housemate and asked her who she had picked as the fourth.

When she announced that she had chosen Kris, the houseguests cheered and congratulated them before they were called to the Diary Room.

Lisa and Kris join Rodrigo and Noirin, who attained full housemate status earlier in the evening.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 13:20
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti:Rodrigo emerges as early BB favourite

Day 2, 10:26 BST


Rodrigo has emerged as the early favourite to win Big Brother 10.

The 23-year-old Brazilian student was one of the first two contestants to become an official housemate on yesterday's launch show.

Ladbrokes has revealed that Rodrigo is the favourite to win the programme at odds of 5/1.

Spokesman Nick Weinberg said: "Rodrigo had the crowd eating out the palm of his hand. He's the man to beat."

Early betting for the winner of this year's show is as follows:

* Rodrigo 5/1
* Charlie 7/1
* Kris 8/1
* Sophia 8/1
* Cairon 10/1
* Marcus 12/1
* Sophie 14/1
* Sree 14/1
* Freddie 16/1
* Karly 16/1
* Noirin 16/1
* Siavash 14/1
* Beinazir 20/1
* Lisa 20/1
* Angel 25/1
* Saffia 25/1

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 13:23
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti:BB houseguests forced to switch clothes

Friday, June 5 2009, 10:28 BST

All non-housemates have been forced to swap their clothes for distinctive items picked out by Big Brother.

After being called into the garden and instructed to open up a crate, Charlie read out instructions for houseguests to pick out the bags with their names on.

They were then told to swap whatever they were wearing with the clothes assigned to them by Big Brother, or they would lose their right to become a proper housemate.

Charlie quickly changed into the small yellow vest and white Y-fronts included in his bag, but the other houseguests hesitated before following his lead.

Sophia said: "You're making it up. They're having a laugh. This is disrespectful."

Siavash added: "I should have shaved that bloody eyebrow off."

Rodrigo and Noirin were free to keep wearing their own clothes, having already been named as official BB10 housemates.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 13:26
Kirjoittaja calderyon
IBB kirjoitti:Late Night Naughtiness

The group settle into the BB house

Day 2:

Whilst Rodrigo and Noirin dined on sushi and champagne this evening, the non housemates entertained themselves in the garden.

To congratulate the pair on becoming full housemates, BB treated Rodrigo and Noirin to sushi in their new private bedroom. Although it is difficult to get a good show of the bedroom, it appears that it is equipped with 16 spaces to sleep, so perhaps BB expects all of the non housemates to pass their tasks.

Whilst the lucky pair dined on their luxury food, the non housemates began to get to know each other better. Dressed in their non housemate uniforms that BB had ordered them to change into to stop them getting cold, the stunning Sophie and you don’t have to be posh to be privileged Freddie immediately struck up a conversation about the glamour industry.

Sophie warned Freddie of the dangers of meeting any fake, self-obsessed girls, and convexly then revealed she has two Chihuahuas at home that she dresses up. Classy.

Freddie joined Siavash and a blanket-wrapped Ciaron, as the lads investigated the garden. They began to think that BB had concealed secrets in the garden and began to look for hidden appliances or furniture in the garden. They didn’t find anything.

Meanwhile, Rodrigo joined Kris and Lisa who were chatting in the living area. Lisa eventually went outside for a cigarette and joined Sophie and Sophia at the bus stop, whilst Sree was seen lounging in an outside bathtub. Sophie admitted she was already tired and wanted to go to bed; good luck finding a bed at the moment.

Siavash, trying to unite the group with some bonding games, suggested that the group didn’t drink indoors; an idea that met with a lot of opposition. Of course, Siavash claimed he was only joking, but we’re not so sure. Could this be a point of tension in the group already?

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 13:27
Kirjoittaja calderyon
IBB kirjoitti:Getting to know each other

The housemates do the obligatory "about me" speeches

Day 2:

It’s nearly two o’clock, but those new housemates are busy filling each other in on their lives in a lovely group session in the living area.

Having moved on from incredibly dreary games such as Charades, the new housemates are becoming best of friends and sharing secrets. Below follows some of what they were chattin’ about.

Posh Freddie is apparently really interested in Politics and wants to stand as an MP next year. Good luck with that after appearing on Big Brother, Fred. He’s also passionate about sustainable orchards and music, loving to sing and enjoying jazz and regae. “I’m technically bisexual, yah,” Freddie continued. He explained he’s slept with men before, has never had a boyfriend, and prefers “ladies”.

Sophie spoke next. She said she had done promotional work and modeling and raised £20K for charity (blimey luv). She has no qualifications, not even GCSEs. She’s single, and straight. Noirin talked of running the 100m for Ireland on a number of occasions. She’s also straight, and has been on a reality TV show before, but neglected to say which. Bienazir spoke of being clumsy and dippy and how she’s going to uni part time.

Rising to prominence with modeling doing modeling in New Zealand for stuff like “cream cheese adverts”, Kris talked about his life. Classy. He also gave up on university (and his tough Fashion Studies course) when “girls stopped doing work for me”. He’s also worked in Ibiza.

Cairon decided it would be important to restate he is the youngest housemate, and spoke of his love for music. He has three brothers. On to Siavash, he says his father was a politician in Iran and then had to leave 10 years ago. Lisa talked next about her ex-girlfriend who she was with for 2 and a half years, who she wants to take her back. She hopes being on BB will help them reunite. She said, “I don’t judge anyone. I’m just me.”

Bursting into tears, Saffia said she felt a little guilty about her children and doing Big Brother. Bless her. She also thinks that single mothers are stereotyped. She added, “I’m not gay, I’m not bisexual, but I’ve had such a bad time with men, maybe I am gay. So there you go.”

Charlie has tried a lot with girls, and went out with one for three and a half years. But he says, “I’m definitely gay” despite getting with a few girls now and then. He said, as a joke, “I think there’s going to be loads of sex” in the house this year. Talked about coming out to his Dad, who took it really well and was proud of him. Said he realised he was gay when he’d met a guy and felt happy and normal. Charlie talked for a long. Time.

Karley talked about how she stayed on at school and was a Prefect. She got accepted into university, lovely. It appears she has a boyfriend and loves him. She’s really glad to have come in and to meet everyone. Rodrigo said he is so happy to be a part of the house. He’s studying at Bradford university, but failed his first year due to having to write an essay. He said he feels British and is proud to be so. He feels accepted. He said when he came to England he started fancying boys as well, “I fancy girls, I fancy boys, I fancy everybody”.

Aww, they’re all becoming bezzies. Isn’t that lovely? What do you make of the new housemates?

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 14:47
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti:Freddie: 'I've slept with men before'

Friday, June 5 2009, 12:02 BST


Freddie has revealed that he has slept with a number of men in the past.

The 23-year-old web programmer told the other houseguests that he has never had a boyfriend before, although he has "slept with guys".

Freddie said: "I'm technically bisexual. I mean I'm straight, but after a few tequilas all bets are off."

He added that he would like to grow sustainable orchids and become an MP next year.

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Lähetetty: 05 Kesä 2009 14:49
Kirjoittaja calderyon kirjoitti:Charlie and Saffia next to become housemates
June 5th, 2009 | Posted in Day 2


Early this morning an ‘SAS team’ bombed into the house as the housemates were still getting to know each other. In a task similar to that in Big Brother’s Celebrity Hijack, two housemates - Saffia and Charlie - were taken away. As they were ordered into the garden they were told to remove their footwear and walk forward on 150 smashed wine bottles.

Saffia and Charlie both completed the task as the other housemates watched on in both amazement, shock and horror from the living area through the glass windows. Big Brother then told both Charlie and Saffia that they were now real housemates, joining Rodrigo, Noirin, Lisa and Kris who won their respective tasks last night and early this morning.