CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

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Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 05:43

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Ulrika wants to be evicted on Friday

Day 6, 03:15 GMT

Ulrika has admitted that she wants to be evicted this week, telling the housemates: "I'll be mortified if I don’t go on Friday."

The presenter has made no secret of the fact that she is missing her children and told Ben in the garden last night: "You’re 27 and haven’t got kids or anything."

Ulrika revealed to Verne that her friends said that they would vote for her, but insisted that it is not what she wants.

"You don’t understand, I don’t want to…" she said.

"I'm just here to enjoy it while it lasts and it's totally cool," responded Verne.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 13:41

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Ulrika: 'I'm mentally planning my eviction'

Day 6, 09:56 GMT

Ulrika has already mentally planned her exit from the Big Brother house, it emerged in the early hours of this morning.

The presenter was talking to Ben and Michelle in the luxury bedroom when she joked that she may "top herself" if she is not evicted.

"I can't envisage that I won't, so I'm already planning in my head that I'm going," she said.

The 41-year-old had earlier said that she misses her children badly and wants to be the first contestant out of the house.

Ulrika will go head-to-head with Lucy Pinder in this week's public vote, after fellow nominee Ben was saved from the chopping block by his fellow housemates.

Meanwhile, Lucy told the group that she will enjoy the Big Brother experience more in the knowledge that she could be leaving in the next few days.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 13:43

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Tommy talks about life behind bars

Day 6, 09:59 GMT

Tommy and Coolio reminisced about prison life last night in a conversation prompted by the speed at which Coolio eats.

The Scottish politician, who was first jailed in 1992 for his role in protests against the poll tax, said his housemate passes wind and belches so much because of the rate at which he shovels food into his mouth.

Tommy said one of the first things his then wife-to-be noticed about him on his release from jail was the rate at which he ate. Tommy explained that in prison you have to eat quickly to ensure you clear your plate without being ordered elsewhere, or without someone stealing parts of your meal.

The 44-year-old said that he stood for election from behind bars and described his subsequent success as "brilliant". "The system thought they had done me in, but in actual fact people rallied behind me," he said.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 13:45

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Verne reveals Big Brother escape plan

Day 6, 10:09 GMT

Verne revealed to Coolio and Terry last night that he has planned an escape route from the Big Brother compound.

The actor's confidantes had been talking politics in the ashtray when they were alerted to Verne scrutinising the garden area.

The escape proposal was cut short, however, when Coolio ordered his friend to "get his ass back inside" and reminded him that he would not get his pay cheque if he jumped ship.

"I found a route," Verne had whispered to Coolio. "I just need your help."

"We are going to be here until the end, so you might as well get used to it," Coolio replied, adding: "We are here to get that cheque."

Terry was then called to the Diary Room, leaving Verne and Coolio to debate in which currency they would keep their show earnings to ensure its value.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 13:49

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Crying Ulrika 'feeling emotional'

Day 6, 10:44 GMT

Tommy, Tina and Ben all did their best to empathise with a teary Ulrika yesterday afternoon.

"You okay?" asked Tina, before giving the housemate a hug and a peck on the cheek.

Tommy swiftly followed by asking Ulrika whether it was "physical pain or emotional pain" that she was feeling, and told the housemate that he could "understand" why she was feeling low.

Despite the housemates' efforts, Ulrika went for a lie down and shielded her face as Ben walked through to the bathroom.

"If you want to talk about anything I'm not the best person to talk to," warned Ben after approaching an upset Ulrika. "But I'm about."
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 13:50

Digital Spy kirjoitti:La Toya struggles in jester role

Day 6, 11:07 GMT

La Toya dressed in a red nose, comedy teeth and glasses yesterday afternoon in a vain attempt to amuse King Terry.

La Toya was asked to perform the task by Big Brother after Terry was made a king for the day.

However, La Toya struggled to find objects of amusement. "I need jokes for him," she told Tommy and Ulrika.

"When you need to remember jokes, you can't think of any," Tommy replied.

Eventually, La Toya resorted to a joke tin of peanuts and squirty-water flower, but an unimpressed King Terry joked that she should use the props to annoy Coolio instead.

"Keep it full for Coolio," he told her. "You know how you squirt it the first time and it's funny, second time it's cruel, third time it's beyond a joke and fourth time it's just downright irritating? Well just keep it up til he's on the verge of being really annoyed."
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 13:53

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Tina: 'Everyone thinks I'm dirty'

Tina has told the group that both men and women try to flirt with her and that she attributes her allure to her ample size.

The housemate told Ulrika that she receives much fan mail of a sexual nature from both men and women.

She explained: "I look dirty, and that’s why men flirt with me. That’s why men and women flirt with me."

She then added: "Everyone else wants to fuck me."
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 13:54

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Verne admits to crush on Michelle

Day 6, 11:32 GMT

Verne has told Big Brother that he has a crush on Michelle.

The housemate made the admission in a Diary Room chat and confessed that he wants to pursue the interest.

Verne said: "I’d like to get to know Michelle a lot more. She’s very sexy."

The housemate, who has previously featured in his own sex tape, boasted: "I’ve got plenty of inches where it matters."
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 19:45

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Coolio's cooking raises temperatures

Day 6, 16:46 GMT

Ulrika has said that Coolio's taste for hot food is making some of the other housemates uncomfortable.

After Coolio marinated the chicken that Terry wanted to use for a stir fry, Ulrika and Tina discussed his domination of the kitchen while Mutya looked on.

"What has to be established is what we're going to eat - you can't just go in there and nick the chicken," Ulrika said in the luxury bedroom.

She added: "Poor Tommy and Ben were struggling so badly with that spicy food, it's just not fair. If you want spicy, add it to your plate but you cannot make something that's just fiery."

Tina said: "It doesn't take long to go to people 'Do you like veg, do you like sugar, do you like nuts?' It's not rocket science. The point is you can't just throw stuff together.

"Tommy and Ben were extremely polite. I'd have vomited everywhere if I'd have felt sick at it."

Earlier this year, Coolio announced plans to add Black Scottish - or "Blottish" - food to his YouTube cooking channel, where he showcases his skills as a "gourmet chef".

The dishes would add to his existing black fusion recipes, which cover Black Italian (Blitalian), Black Asian (Blasian) and Black English (Blenglish).
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 19:46

Digital Spy kirjoitti:La Toya 'married against her will'

Day 6, 16:50 GMT

La Toya has told Ben that she married her manager against her will.

The pair were discussing their home lives in the kitchen when Ben asked her if she had ever been wed.

La Toya said: "Yes I have - and he married me totally against my will. It sounds strange, doesn't it?"

She described how she was swept off the stage by a security guard after a performance in Nevada and driven away in a limousine.

When she left the car and entered a room, a woman requested her mother's maiden name before asking if she took the man to be her husband.

"I said, 'I can't marry you I hate you, you're my manager, I can't marry you'," La Toya explained. "I ran out three times and then the very last time I ran out, the security grabbed me and stopped me. I said, 'Please don't let him do this to me' and he goes, 'There are certain things you have to do in life whether you want to or not, now get back in there'."

She said her husband promised her an annulment after six months but later changed his mind, telling her: "You're mine, you belong to me, I will never let you go, I own you."

"I got a restraining order on him and he just passed away a year ago, so it was a terrible terrible relationship," La Toya said. "Anyway, that's the answer to your question - I know you weren't expecting that answer!"
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 19:57

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Housemates 'get famous' for two-day task

Day 6, 17:37 GMT

Celebrities have been asked to imitate the lifestyles of the rich and the famous in the latest task from Big Brother.

They have been split into five different groups and must not fail more than two challenges in total if they are to pass.

Ben and Michelle must become a celebrity couple in a task designed to test their ability to work together.

Verne and Ulrika will have to learn and perform a cover of the duet 'Endless Love' as they become Lionel Richie and Diana Ross.

La Toya and Tommy will be contestants on a celebrity reality TV show and will have to learn an ice-skating routine from an instructional DVD.

Meanwhile, Tina, Lucy and Coolio will have to become members of the paparazzi. They will stake out the garden for a full 24-hours and photograph any appearances from non-housemate celebrities.

Terry and Mutya's task will be to join and worship at the shrine of a celebrity cult.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 20:18

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Terry, Mutya worship at Chesney shrine

Day 6, 17:47 GMT

Terry and Mutya have been chanting at a shrine dedicated to '90s popstar Chesney Hawkes.

As part of the latest task from Big Brother, both have been acting as members of a celebrity cult dedicated to the singer.

They have been chanting the phrases "chest", "knees" and "hawk" in rhythm while pointing to their chest, knees and making a hawk shape with their arms.

Both have been dressed in robes with the image of Chesney on the back while wearing jewellery featuring a replica of his guitar.

Chesney hit number one in the UK charts in 1991 with the Nik Kershaw-penned track 'The One And Only'.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 20:19

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Coolio asks Lucy for a 'big wet kiss'

Day 6, 17:56 GMT

Coolio has asked Lucy for a kiss to stop him quitting as the pair carried out the latest challenge from Big Brother.

Together with Tina, they have been acting as paparazzi staking out the garden for sightings of any non-housemate celebrities.

Coolio threatened to quit the challenge as he kept falling asleep in the Press pen, but was urged not to by Lucy.

He asked her for a "big wet kiss" in order to keep him in the task, but she replied: "I'd rather not eat!"

Coolio then said that he would need "some type of sexual favour" to keep him awake during the stakeout, which prompted her to describe him as a "wrong-un".
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Tammi 2009 22:03

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Michelle and Coolio scrap continues

Day 6, 18:38 GMT

Michelle and Coolio have continued their war of words after the rapper again brought up the possibility of romance between her and Ben.

Coolio noted that Michelle had voted to keep Ben in the house when asked to choose between him, Ulrika and Lucy.

But Michelle said that Coolio had voted the same way and and asked if in fact he was the one who fancied the former boyband singer.

"I fancy him staying in the house," Coolio replied.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 08 Tammi 2009 00:18

Coolio irritates Ulrika and Verne

Day 6, 19:13 GMT

Coolio got on the group's nerves this evening when he laughed at Ulrika and Verne during the task.

As part of today's challenge, Ulrika and Verne must perform a cover of 'Endless Love' by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross. As they waited for Big Brother to start the music, Coolio was cackling at them as they sat on the stage in their costumes, prompting Verne to say: "Stop it, I'm going to mess up."

Ulrika also told Coolio off, saying: "Yeah, come on Coolio, give it a rest."

The performance appeared to be popular with the rest of the group, with Michelle exclaiming: "That was brilliant, that was brilliant, that was the best."

However, Coolio was yet to be forgiven as Ulrika said: "You shut it man, you shut your mouth" and Lucy agreed: "I can't handle you for 24 hours, I can't!"
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 08 Tammi 2009 00:23

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Model visits Big Brother compound

Day 6, 20:05 GMT

Lucy's friend and fellow glamour model Michelle Marsh was lifted into the Big Brother compound in an industrial cherry picker today.

As part of today's task, Tina, Lucy and Coolio have been acting as members of the paparazzi and staking out the garden to photograph any appearances from non-housemate celebrities.

Tina suprised Lucy by admitting that she did not realise that Michelle was famous and didn't have a clue who she was.

The actress, who had been given a camera as part of the task, said: "I don’t know who she is but I’ll take her photo anyway."

Michelle was quickly whisked away from the Big Brother compound without setting foot in the house.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 08 Tammi 2009 22:06

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Tina: 'Coolio is not intelligent'

Day 7, 11:52 GMT

Tina last night revealed that she believes Coolio to be nothing like her, because he is "not intelligent".

The Shameless actress made the comment as she sat in the press pen with Lucy.

"You know what he said to me earlier? He said 'me and you are the most alike, people either love us or hate us because we say what we think,'" she explained.

"You know what I felt like saying to him? I felt like saying 'I'm actually highly intellectual and well-read. You're not.'"

"He's not intelligent. He's really not," she added.

Lucy, who labelled the rapper "quite loud and aggressive", assured Tina that Coolio only made the comparison because he sees her as "competition".
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 08 Tammi 2009 22:10

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Ulrika upset by mood in house

Ulrika believes the mood in the house has changed for the worse as Friday's eviction draws nearer.

During a conversation with fellow eviction nominee Lucy, Ulrika said: "The house doesn’t feel as cohesive as it did at the outset." She drew particular attention to Coolio, commenting that "his volume and massive presence can get a bit tiring".

Ulrika was earlier upset when she found out that Terry awarded her the title of 'biggest ego' in the house and had nominated her for eviction accordingly.

Upon finding out, Terry tried to defuse the situation by laughing and telling Ulrika: "It doesn’t mean you have the biggest ego, Ulrika."

"I know, but publicly it does," she said, before walking out of the room.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 08 Tammi 2009 22:13

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Ulrika, Verne chase internet hits

Day 7, 19:35 GMT

Big Brother has decided that Ulrika and Verne need the public's help if they are to pass their celebrity task.

The couple dressed up as Diana Ross and Lionel Richie and sang a version of their duet 'Endless Love'.

In order for the pair to win the challenge, the video of their performance must receive 10,000 views by 11pm tonight.

On Celebrity Big Brother's Little Brother, Popjustice's Peter Robinson ranked the duet as the top musical performance so far in the house.

The track beat Tommy's take on 'The Proclaimers I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)' and La Toya's cover of her brother's 'Wanna Be Startin' Somethin''.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 08 Tammi 2009 22:13

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Housemates get new challenges

Day 7, 19:37 GMT

Big Brother has announced the challenges for the second day of the "rich and famous" shopping task.

La Toya and Tommy have been rehearsing for a new reality show called Celebrity Condiments: On Ice.

In order to pass, they must perform their routine to the satisfaction of Big Brother later today.

Speaking to La Toya about his troubles on the ice, Tommy said: "Just when you think you're getting comfortable, you fall over and ker-laaang."

Ben and Michelle have been dubbed as celebrity couple "Benchelle" and will have to adopt and take care of ten babies in the Big Brother crèche.

As well as looking after the babies to the satisfaction of Big Brother, Ben must also tattoo their names on Michelle's body for the pair to pass.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 08 Tammi 2009 22:14

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Tommy struggles with ice-skating task

Day 7, 19:45 GMT

Tommy became frustrated this afternoon as he practised for his upcoming 'Dancing on Ice' task with La Toya.

Big Brother has set the pair a routine that will see them dance and skate around a makeshift ice-rink in a secret room next to the house.

Tommy has found it increasingly hard to keep up with La Toya, arguing that her previous experience as a dancer has served her well.

As frustrations mounted, La Toya turned to Tommy and said: "I can’t slow down to your rhythm. You have to speed up to mine. If I slow down we’ll miss out on the beat of the song."

During a short break Tommy told the other housemates: "This routine will make me look stupid. Not La Toya though, she’s got rhythm."
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: CBBUK 6 live -ja spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 08 Tammi 2009 22:15

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Coolio: 'Lucy acts like a little kid'

Day 7, 19:49 GMT

Coolio has accused Lucy of "acting like a little kid" after a disagreement resulted in her getting upset and leaving the room.

Lucy had been taking it in turns with a couple of the housemates, including Coolio, to stay in a press pen as part of the 'Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous' task.

After a brief disagreement over who should take her place, Lucy walked into the bedroom sniffling and wiping her eyes. Coolio told the group she was 'acting like a child', but Ulrika stood up for her, saying: "No she isn’t, she’s just exhausted."

Ulrika then followed Lucy into the shower room, where Lucy admitted she wanted to leave in the first eviction after looking at her partner’s photo too much. Ulrika said she understood and encouraged her to merely imagine being somewhere else.

"Imagine you’re on holiday somewhere else. Somewhere hot, but not some place that would give you heat-rash. You’re only upset because you’re tired."
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Vastaa Viestiin

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