Sivu 22/24

Lähetetty: 26 Syys 2007 16:21
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Digital Spy kirjoitti: BB8 twins earn £1m in one month

Big Brother twins Sam and Amanda Marchant have reportedly earned a million pounds within the month since they left the reality TV show.

The girls, who were runners-up on this year's series, have signed deals to release their own fitness video, a teenage skincare range and their own fragrance, as well as signing a record deal.

It has also been reported that high-street shops Jane Norman and Miss Selfridge have been trying to outbid each other to try to get the twins to launch and be the face of their clothing lines.

But despite their new-found money both Sam and Amanda have insisted that they still don't spend a lot, saying: "We had to buy some new duvets and went to a couple of department stores in London. But they were like £200 so in the end we got some for 20 quid in Primark!"

Lähetetty: 28 Syys 2007 00:29
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Radio Times kirjoitti: Our Big Brother survey reveals the housemates you love to hate

Controversy and conflict equal entertainment for Big Brother fans, according to our recent poll of 2,500 users.

When asked who had been the best character in the house over the last eight series, users voted Jade Goody and "Nasty" Nick Bateman into the top three. Goody was notoriously involved in a racism and bullying row during her more recent stint on Celebrity Big Brother 7 - not to mention the bawdy "kebab" incident in BB3 - while Bateman famously used underhand tactics to influence nominations in the first series of the show.

In fact, the confrontation between Bateman and eventual BB1 winner Craig Phillips was deemed the most memorable moment of the eight series, with Jade's naked frolics and the vicious fight between Emma Greenwood and Victor Ebuwa in BB5 also in the top five.

That's not to say that viewers haven't enjoyed some of the lighter moments in the series. As well as narrowly voting BB2's lovable air steward Brian Dowling best character, fans also chose Alex Sibley's classic dance to That's the Way (I Like It) as their second-favourite BB3 moment, and voted Paul Clarke and Helen Adams's happy, sappy BB2 romance the best in the show's history.

The survey also appears to confirm what many have long suspected - that later series of Big Brother are less popular with viewers. See the full results below:

The best character in the house

1. Brian Dowling (BB2) 14.63%
2. Jade Goody (BB3) 14.35%
3. "Nasty" Nick Bateman (BB1) 13.91%
4. Pete Bennett (BB7) 9.57%
5. Jon Tickle (BB4) 8.97%
6. Nikki Grahame (BB7) 7.97%
7. Helen Adams (BB2) 5.89%
8. Other 5.34%
9. Brian Belo (BB8) 4.58%
10. Nadia Almada (BB5) 4.30%
11. The twins; Sam and Amanda Marchant (BB8) 3.03%
12. Makosi Musambasi (BB6) 2.51%
13. Charley Uchea (BB8) 2.15%
14. Michelle Bass (BB5) 1.67%
15. Grace Adams-Short (BB7) 1.12%

The most memorable Big Brother moment of all time

1. Craig and Darren confronting "Nasty" Nick about influencing nominations (BB1) 18.09%
2. Alex dancing to That's the Way (I Like It) behind the bedroom door (BB3) 12.79%
3. Nikki's "Who is she?" tantrum in the diary room (BB7) 10.08%
4. Jade's naked frolics and kebab reference (BB3) 9.2%
5. The fight between Emma and Victor; where security guards had to intervene (BB5) 7.13%
6. Helen's classic "I love blinking; I do" and "Is there chicken in chickpeas?" quotes (BB2) 6.81%
7. Kinga and the wine bottle incident (BB6) 5.14%
8. Other 4.98%
9. Glyn's "I'm cooking an egg" song (BB7) 4.82%
10. Emma and Michelle watching the rest of the house from the secret bedsit (BB5) 4.02%
11. Shell mowing the lawn naked (BB5) 3.55%
12. Emiy's removal from the house following her racist comment to Charley (BB8) 2.19%
13. Jon Tickle reciting Hotel California while watering the vegetable patch (BB4) 2.07%
14. Michelle coaxing Stuart into a love den under the table (BB5) 1.99%
15. Makosi and Anthony's "romp" in the pool (BB6) 1.71%
16. Andy, Craig, Mel and Nichola indulging in naked clay painting (BB1) 1.67%
17. Grace throwing water over Susie (BB7) 1.59%
18. Tim shaving his chest (BB3) 1.12%
19. Fake Australian "Pauline" entering the house (BB8) 0.99%

The best Big Brother romance

1. Paul and Helen (BB2) 39.21%
2. Pete and Nikki (BB7) 15.46%
3. Stuart and Michelle (BB5) 12.99%
4. Ziggy and Chanelle (BB8) 8.29%
5. Maxwell and Saskia (BB6) 6.30%
6. Tom and Claire (BB1) 5.74%
7. Mikey and Grace (BB7) 4.74%
8. Other 3.11%
9. Lee and Sophie (BB3) 2.71%
10. Sezer and Imogen (BB7) 1.43%

Lähetetty: 28 Syys 2007 13:11
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Digital Spy kirjoitti: BB twins plan to fly to US to meet Paris

Big Brother twins Sam and Amanda have decided to spend the money they have earned since they left the show on flying to America so that they can meet their idol Paris Hilton.

The pink-loving sisters, who were runners-up in this year's show have admitted that they would love to be like the hotel heiress.

Sam said of the socialite: "We just love everything about her. Her style, her music. She's our favouritest."

But Amanda revealed it would be the first time they will have ever stepped on a plane, saying: "We've never been abroad ever but we really want to go to America. It would be amazing."

Lähetetty: 30 Syys 2007 17:21
Kirjoittaja millie Ziggystä ja Chanellestä tehty yhteishaastattelu :!:

Lähetetty: 01 Loka 2007 14:01
Kirjoittaja Spencer
News of the World kirjoitti: Kuva

Here's the proof that BB groaner Nicky Maxwell loves a good moan.

The hot homemade snaps show naughty Nicky enjoying nookie with her lover who has revealed he plans to post VIDEO footage of their sizzling bedroom sex sessions online.

Gobby Nicky was booted off the show for moping around the BB House moaning about fellas.

But these raunchy images of the 27-year-old with hairdresser Stuart, 25, show Nicky's not the man-hater she pretended to be.

"Nicky loved me taking the pictures," explained Stuart. "She knew exactly what she was doing, posing for me in different positions.


"It was a huge turn-on for her and she even took some pictures herself while we were having sex."

Stuart met Watford office worker Nicky in a club last year and has been meeting up for no-strings-attached sex ever since.

"She's hot but also very dirty, so it didn't take me much to get her into bed," boasted Stuart. "She knows what she wants between the sheets."

Stuart went on to reveal how frisky Nicky couldn't keep her hands off him after a night out at Essex nightclub Jumping Jacks last week.

He smiled: "Nicky took some more naughty pictures as we did it on the car seats. It was explosive sex-but it always is with her."

Nicky confirmed that pictures and a video of her having sex with Stuart did exist, saying: "We were just messing around."

Lähetetty: 07 Loka 2007 14:22
Kirjoittaja Spencer
News of the World kirjoitti: £250k bid for nude Big Brother twins

Big Brother twins Sam and Amanda Marchant have been offered a whopping £250,000 to get their kit off for Playboy magazine.

The dippy 19-year-olds have been told by mag bosses that their six-figure cheque is "as good as written" if they peel off for a nude shoot.

And the pink-loving pair have been promised a trip to an exotic location - and all the pink champagne they can drink. "The girls are on the verge of signing," said a source close to the twins.

Lähetetty: 12 Loka 2007 15:51
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: BB-kaunotar sai oman tuoksun

Brittiläisestä Big Brother -kisasta kuuluisuuteen ponnistanut Chanelle Hayes jatkaa idolinsa Victoria Beckhamin jäljittelyä. Nuori kaunotar solminut diilin hajuvesivalmistajan kanssa omasta parfyymistä. BB-tähden mukaan nimetty Simply Chanelle -tuoksu ilmestyy kauppoihin jo marraskuussa.

- Olen todella tyytyväinen siihen. Valitsin nimen ja haistelin todella monia erilaisia tuoksunäytteitä. Äitini ja kaikki ystäväni ovat myös auttaneet. Kysyin heidän mielipidettään. Se, mitä tullaan myymään kaupoissa on fantastinen, 19-vuotias hihkui Daily Star -lehden haastattelussa.

Maailmankuuluisinta jalkapallovaimoa, Spice Girls -laulaja Victoria Beckhamia, jumaloiva Chanelle uskoo parfyyminsä menestyvänsä jopa paremmin kuin Posh Spicen Intimately Beckham -tuoksu.

- Minun tuoksuni on uusi ja raikas - enkä ole kopioinut ketään. Ja luulenpa, että David pitäisi enemmän minun tuoksustani, Hayes aprikoi.

Täysin ongelmitta BB-kaunottaren tuoksuprojekti ei ole kuitenkaan edennyt, sillä maailmankuulu parfyymivalmistaja Chanel suuttui liian samalta kalskahtavasta nimestä.

- Tämä tuotemerkeistä riitely on ollut yhtä painajaista, Chanelle huokasi haastattelussa.

Menestyksestään ja BB-talossa syntyneestä romanssistaan nauttiva Chanelle nähdään pian musiikkikanava VH1:n uudessa ohjelmassa Wannabe. Chanellen pitää tuomarikollegojen kanssa löytää parhaat Spice Girls -kaksoisolennot.

Eikö kaksi victoriabeckhamia ole jo tarpeeksi?

Lähetetty: 14 Loka 2007 20:32
Kirjoittaja Spencer

Lähetetty: 16 Loka 2007 13:38
Kirjoittaja shirenu
Tietäskö kukaan, mistä voisin löytää kuvan/kuvia Nickystä BB:n synttäripäivänä, saparoissa ja prinsessamekossa. Mieluiten näyttämässä tosi surkealta.

Martina häippäs, joten haluun uuden avan... :cry:

Lähetetty: 16 Loka 2007 18:04
Kirjoittaja Punde ... ageId=4242

tuolla on jotain kuvia nickystä, ei ihan kuvaustasi vastaavaa kai löytyny, mut jotain.

Lähetetty: 16 Loka 2007 22:54
Kirjoittaja shirenu
Kiitti :D

Lähetetty: 23 Loka 2007 14:37
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: BB-tähdet saavat vauvan

Britannian Big Brother -kisasta viime kesänä toisensa löytäneet Chanelle Hayes, 19, ja Ziggy Lichman, 26, odottavat perheenlisäystä. Victoria Beckhamin nuori kaksoisolento kertoi asiasta brittiläiselle Daily Star -lehdelle.

BB-kaunotar epäili olevansa raskaana lomaillessaan vasta Dubaissa. Tosi-tv-sarjasta kuuluisuuteen ponnistanut Chanelle pyysi hotellin henkilökuntaa hankimaan hänelle raskaustestin, joka näytti positiivista.

Hayesin mukaan raskaus oli todellinen iloyllätys, koska lääkärit olivat sanoneet hänelle, ettei hän voi ehkä koskaan saada lapsia huonosti tehdyn abortin takia. Jalkapallovaimoa jumalaloiva Hayes päätyi aborttiin hädin tuskin 18-vuotiaana. Abortti ei kuitenkaan onnistunut kunnolla, jonka vuoksi Chanelle kärsii jatkuvista kivuista.

Hayesilla on myös kysta munasarjassaan, jonka vuoksi hän joutuu pian leikkaukseen. Kaunottaren oli tarkoitus käydä leikkauksessa jo kesällä, mutta Big Brother -kisa sotki naisen suunnitelmat.

Mallina työskentelevä Chanelle aikoo pitää kolme viikkoa vapaata leikkauksen takia. 19-vuotias kertoi Daily Starin haastattelussa olevansa todella huolissaan, vaikka lääkärit ovat vakuuttaneet leikkauksen olevan ihan rutiinitoimenpide.

- Pidän peukkuja ja toivon, ettei päätökseni osallistua Big Brotheriin osoittautu elämäni suurimmaksi virheeksi ja pilaa mahdollisuuksiani tulla äidiksi, Hayes murehtii.

Brittiläisen Daily Mail -lehden tietojen mukaan Hayes ja Lichman on menneet kihloihin ja suunnittelevat hienoja häitä.

Lähetetty: 23 Loka 2007 17:02
Kirjoittaja Swoon
^^ :shock:

Kyyninen osa itsestäni sanoo:


Lähetetty: 24 Loka 2007 15:03
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Now Samanda are making a fitness video - when will this madness end?

While heatworld has got a soft spot for Sam and Amanda, there comes a time when enough is enough. We appreciate that they want to milk their 15 minutes of fame for all it's worth, but seriously they've already released a single (with a second possibly on the way), launched a skincare range, a perfume, and have made loads of personal appearances. Now they've donned some pink leg warmers (literally) to film their very own fitness video. What next, Samanda-branded toilet paper? ... rceid=6873

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2007 13:56
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: BB-kaunotar saa ilmaiset silikonirinnat

Big Brother -kisaan osallistuminen voi kohentaa povea, ainakin jos sattuu menestymään yhtä hyvin kuin kuvankaunis Chanelle Hayes. Britannian BB-talosta kesällä kuuluisuuteen ponnistanut 19-vuotias on saanut jo useita tarjouksia plastiikkakirurgeilta.

Vaalea Victoria Beckhamin kaksoisolento kertoi Daily Star -lehden haastattelussa haaveilleensa jo pitkään pulleammasta povesta, mutta rahavaikeudet ovat olleet esteenä korjausleikkaukselle. Kaunotar haaveilee poseeraavansa jonain päivänä niin sanottuna kolmossivuntyttönä.

- En ole koskaan ajatellut, että esiintyisin lehdessä rinnat paljaana, koska minusta rintani eivät ole tarpeeksi isot. Mutta eihän sitä tiedä, vaikka niin tekisinkin, kunhan käyn korjauttamassa rintani, Hayes totesi Daily Star -lehdelle.

Tosi-tv-tähtönen on takonut rahaa julkisuudella, mutta hänen ei tarvitse maksaa uusista rinnoista, koska moni lääkäri haluaa kohentaa BB-kaunottaren povea ilmaiseksi.

- Se on ihan hullua. Aika moni kirurgi on lähestynyt minua ja he kaikki haluavat antaa minulle rintojen suurennuksen ilmaiseksi. Olen haaveillut siitä melkein koko ikäni, mutta minulla ei ole aiemmin ollut rohkeutta eikä rahaa sen toteuttamiseksi. Ja nyt asiantuntijat haluavat tehdä sen ilmaiseksi. En voi uskoa sitä, Channelle kihertää.

Hayes löysi nykyisen sulhasensa Big Brother -talosta. Entinen poptähti Ziggy Lichman on täysin tyytyväinen morsionsa timmiin vartaloon ja hän on yrittänyt puhua Chanellea ympäri, jottei tämä menisi leikkaukseen.

- Tiedän, että hän on halunnut sitä jo pitkään, mutta rehellisesti sanottuna, minusta hän on täydellinen juuri tuollaisenaan. Hänellä on uskomaton vartalo ja minusta leikkaus on turha, jos ei ole mitään korjattavaa.

Jäämme odottamaan, saako Suomen Big Brother -talossa pientä poveaan valitellut Piia samanlaisia tarjouksia suomalaisilta kauneuskirurgeilta.

Lähetetty: 30 Loka 2007 12:41
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: BB-tähti pelkää henkensä puolesta

Britannian Big Brother -talosta tähdeksi sinkoutunut brittikaunotar Chanelle Hayes on kohdannut julkisuuden pimeän puolen. Jo viikkojen ajan Hayesia on väijynyt tuntematon henkilö, joka on myös uhkaillut BB-kaunotarta.

19-vuotias tosi-tv-tähti joutuu turvautumaan henkivartijoihin ympäri vuorokauden, koska hän joutui vasta hyökkäyksen kohteeksi. Häiriintynyt nainen kävi Hayesin kimppuun yökerhossa, jossa Chanelle oli jakamassa nimikirjoituksia BB-faneille.

Olutpullolla kaunotarta uhkaillut nainen heitettiin ulos, ennen kuin poliisit saapuivat paikalle. Poliisit eivät ole pystynyt varmistamaan, oliko hyökkääjä sama henkilö, joka on uhkailut Hayesia.

Järkyttynyt Chanelle ei halunnut perua fanitapaamista, jotta fanit eivät olisi pettyneet.

- En halunnut antaa yhden mustasukkaisen idiootin pilata iltaa kaikilta. Olen iloinen, että pullo ei osunut minuun tai pahempaa puhkaissut silmääni, Hayes kommentoi Daily Star -lehdelle.

Hyökkääjän epäillään olevan mustasukkainen, koska Hayes kihlautui vasta BB-kisasta tutun Ziggy Lichmanin kanssa. Hayesin taustajoukkoihin kuuluvan henkilön mukaan hyökkääjä oli "lyhyt, tukeva tyttö, jolla on rasvaiset, hiirenharmaat hiukset".

Lähetetty: 03 Marras 2007 22:22
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Chanelle Hayes reveals murder fear

Big Brother 8 star Chanelle Hayes has claimed that she fears being murdered by the man who killed her mother.

Keith Pollard will be released from jail early next year, after serving 15 years behind bars. He killed Chanelle's mum Andrea Sinclair in 1988, and had already murdered once before.

"It makes me sick to my stomach. I honestly feel that he will come looking for me and kill me, like he did my mum," Chanelle told the Daily Star.

"The man is mental. He has already killed twice and I don't think he would bat an eyelid at ending my life. He'll probably just add me to his list. He haunts me every single day."

Chanelle has also admitted that she is worried about the future of her relationship with Ziggy Lichman, who she met in the house this summer.

"People want to get their picture taken with you, but you have to think twice because many will try to use that as evidence that something's going on," she explained. "It's sick, but I know people will always try to sell stories on the both of us, and that's something we have to deal with.

"There seems to be so many people who want to get involved in our relationship that I worry if it's strong enough to survive. We care a lot for each other, but we are under so much pressure from people who are desperate to say: 'I told you so.' But we will do all we can to make sure that doesn't happen."

Lähetetty: 05 Marras 2007 19:13
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Channel 4 cleared over 'Big Brother' words

Channel 4 did not breach Ofcom's programme code when it aired Emily Parr's use of the 'n' word and Laura Williams' use of the word 'poof' during Big Brother earlier this year.

450 viewers complained to Ofcom after Parr referred to fellow housemate Charley Uchea's dancing as "pushing it out you n*****", resulting in her eviction from the house on the basis that Big Brother does not tolerate racist language or behaviour.

Noting that "the broadcasters" right to broadcast such material and the audience's right to receive it is an important principle," and that "the Big Brother audience expects to see all aspects of the housemates" characters exposed during their stay in the house", Ofcom said that Channel 4 did not breach rules in the programme code because the inclusion of the word was surrounded by context that made it clear that its use was "offensive and unacceptable".

Ofcom also rejected complaints that Channel 4 compromised the welfare of Parr, noting that "adults make informed decisions about their participation in such programmes" and adding that "Ofcom cannot consider complaints of unfairness made by the general public on behalf of participants in programmes".

200 viewers complained about Williams' use of the word 'poof' - once when she tickled fellow housemate Liam McGough's foot, and the second when in conversation with Gerry Stergiopoulos. The complainants said that the word is equally offensive as the one uttered by Parr, and that Williams should therefore have also been evicted from the house.

Channel 4 explained to Ofcom that programme editors considered the inclusion of Williams' remarks "very important" as it highlighted "an intimate exchange" between housemates. It added that Williams' "best friend and ally", Seany O'Kane, "had been very comfortable using the word". It admitted that it had "underestimated" the level of offence caused by the transmission of the word on the first occasion and that on the second occasion Williams was warned in the diary room that "inappropriate or offensive language... includ[ing] homophobic language such as 'poof'" is not tolerated on the programme.

Ofcom noted that Williams' use of the word was not "intended as a homophobic reference" and that when it was used, it "was not directed at a gay person" unlike when Parr directed the 'n' word at a black person.

The regulator added: "Ofcom is sympathetic to the concerns voiced by complainants about the use of the word "poof"; especially where it might be emulated by younger viewers, with the consequent risk of bullying at school. Broadcasters are therefore reminded to exercise care about the frequency with, and context in, which the word is broadcast."

Lähetetty: 08 Marras 2007 14:46
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Brian to appear in 'Hollyoaks'

Big Brother 8 winner Brian Belo is to appear in Hollyoaks later this month.

The 20-year-old landed a role as an extra after constantly talking about his love for the soap during his time in the house.

He said: "When I landed the role on Hollyoaks, I was so excited I couldn't sleep. The day ranked as one of the top three days of my life. Number one was winning BB and number two was going out with Amanda, of course."

He said the high points of his day were meeting favourite cast member Jennifer Metcalfe (Mercedes McQueen) and pulling a pint in The Dog pub. He also appeared in a scene at Il Gnosh alongside the restaurant's owner Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard).

He revealed: "Jennifer was really lovely, just as I'd dreamed. When she said I could sit on her bed in the McQueens' house, I was like, game on!"

He added: "I nearly fainted when I went into The Dog."

Hollyoaks producer Bryan Kirkwood said: "It was obvious throughout the whole of the last series of Big Brother that he was a big Hollyoaks fan and therefore we thought it only fitting to give the nation's favourite reality TV star a role in our show."

Brian will appear in the Channel 4 soap at 6.30pm on November 20.

Lähetetty: 08 Marras 2007 14:50
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Chanelle and Ziggy split?

Chanelle Hayes and Ziggy Lichman have reportedly ended their relationship.

Hayes was apparently angered by Lichman's lack of commitment to her during an interview with Star magazine.

When asked about marriage in the interview, Lichman said: "We're not engaged right now. She isn't my fiancée yet. I won't pop the question until we've been together a year.

"I'm just going to see how the next six months pan out because that's the most crucial time. It';s make or break.

"When the fuss dies down, that's when you see what a relationship is really like."

According to the Daily Star, Hayes split with her fellow Big Brother contestant after reading the interview.

A source commented: "She wanted to keep the dream alive but it just all got too much.

"She was hurt by the comments he made about her and their relationship. She wanted commitment and it seemed clear to her that he didn't feel the same.

"She even became convinced he's been cheating on her behind her back. Chanelle is fiery - she just snapped and ended it. But she doesn't want to mope around - she's got loads of stuff lined up to take her mind off Ziggy."

Lähetetty: 09 Marras 2007 12:04
Kirjoittaja Spencer

Lähetetty: 09 Marras 2007 12:08
Kirjoittaja Punde
Spencer kirjoitti:Chanellen alastonkuvat: ... .php?p=112
Ihan ok, mut eipä tossa mitää näkyny mitä ei ois bb:ssä nähty :)

(joo, vähä hienommin kuvattu ja photoshopattu, mut kuitenki) Eeeezy now.