Sivu 3/5

Sophielle ja Leelle vauva

Lähetetty: 21 Loka 2005 12:14
Kirjoittaja Jaake
Sophielle ja Leelle syntyi poika 7. lokakuuta. Sophie ja Lee menivät siis naimisiin 2003, noin vuosi sen jälkeen kun he bb:ssä tapasivat.

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2005 18:47
Kirjoittaja matami
Tulokkaan nimi näköjään Max Lee Davey...

Lähetetty: 04 Marras 2005 17:26
Kirjoittaja halleluja
Oho..tuopas oli uutinen..onkos sitä missään aikasemmin sanottu? :? :)

Lähetetty: 04 Marras 2005 19:11
Kirjoittaja matami
halleluja kirjoitti:Oho..tuopas oli uutinen..onkos sitä missään aikasemmin sanottu? :? :)
Mm. Plazalla BB3:n asukkaiden (Sophien&Leen) kuulumisissa :lol:

Lähetetty: 31 Maalis 2006 01:59
Kirjoittaja Jaake
Cameron, Federico, Anouska ja Jon olivat Nelosen törkytorstain Häiritsevä Tekijä -ohjelmassa kilpailemassa, ja tuo ohjelmahan näkyi siis aiemmin tänä iltana.
EDIT: ei sinänsä nykykuulumisia, tuo jakso oli vuodelta 2004 alunperin..

Helen ja Paul

Lähetetty: 17 Kesä 2006 14:24
Kirjoittaja halleluja
Siis että he olisivat eronneet!? :cry: Voi ei, olivat niin symppiksiä ja osaksi heidän ansiostaan jäin koukkuun BB:hen. Kyllä "kauhistuin" kun huomasin sen tuossa etusivulla :cry:

Lähetetty: 21 Heinä 2006 15:55
Kirjoittaja matami
Muutama juttu näistä vanhoistakin...

Helenin ja Paulin tavoin eroon ovat päätyneet myös Sophie&Lee, Max pojasta huolimatta.
PJ on valmistunut lakimieheksi ja työskentelee Bournemouthissa.
Tanian lapsi on poika, nimeltään Zach.


Jonin paluu Suomen televisioon

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2006 10:12
Kirjoittaja big.mac
ystävämme UKBB4:sesta Jon Tickle palaa Nelosen uudessa sarjassa "Järjen jättiläiset"... Tekevät käsittääkseni kaikenlaisia kokeita ja tempauksia joissa Jon on kokeileva ja temppuja tekevä hahmo... Spottien perusteella Jon on erityisen hauska ja sopiva mies hommaan :lol:

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2006 10:21
Kirjoittaja Tinttu
Kiva! Jon oli kyllä mainio. :lol:

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2006 15:07
Kirjoittaja Punde
Toinen heppu sarjassa on Richard "hamster" Hammond, jolla on valkaistut hampaat.

Tuttu top gearista.

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2006 17:45
Kirjoittaja dal
Oho, pitääpä muistaa katsoa ko. ohjelmaa kunhan tuo pyörähtää käyntiin. Jonista tykkäsin ja Top gearit taas voittavat paikalliset Koeajo, Ojaanajo jne. .tv:t mennen tullen ja palatessakin.

Lähetetty: 31 Elo 2006 02:53
Kirjoittaja Punde
Ei oo sama homma ku mythbusters. :)

Lähetetty: 31 Elo 2006 09:09
Kirjoittaja Petri
Discoverylla tämä Brainiacs on pyörinyt jo pidemmän aikaan. Todellakaan ei ole samanlainen kuin Mythbusters. :)

Lähetetty: 10 Syys 2006 16:08
Kirjoittaja cicena
Oho heti kun näin tuon ohjelman logon niin tajusin että tätä tuli kateltua Lontoossa ollessamme. Tuota BBUK4:sen häiskää en silloinkaan tunnistanut, kun en seurannut koko 4. kautta.

Lähetetty: 23 Syys 2006 19:10
Kirjoittaja FC Mixula
Onkos kyseinen leffa jo filmattu loppuun ja esitetty Briteissä vai alkoivatko kuvaukset edes kokonaan?

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2006 16:24
Kirjoittaja Brand
BB: Pete lifts lid on his f***ing crazy life!

BIG Brother fame, success and fortune were all ahead of him - but troubled teenager Pete Bennett didn't have a clue as he teetered on the balcony of his mum's top floor council flat with the high winds whistling around him.

Right now his future stretched just 100 feet in front of - straight down on to the concrete below. Tortured by his Tourette's, bullied beyond endurance, abandoned and surrounded by poverty, Pete was about to send himself on the ultimate eviction.

"I saw an opportunity to solve all our problems if I acted quickly and decisively," he recalls. "I pulled myself up on the edge of the balcony and paused, taking a few seconds to prepare myself for a final flight."

The heart-stopping moment is just one of a catalogue of brutally honest confessions from Pete, 24, as he tells his life story. Secrets including:

DRUG abuse, tripping out on LSD and horse dope ketamine,

TERRIFYING hallucinations of rotting in hell,

HAUNTING memories of the horrific electrocution of his closest pal, and the

TRUTH about his short-lived romance with dizzy BB housemate Nikki.


It's been an incredible life, a life that could so easily have come to an end that day high above Greenwich in south London. But schoolboy Pete took in the scene. St Paul's Cathedral one way, the Cutty Sark the other. And below him nothing but the cold, hard pavement.

Pete recalled the awful thoughts racing through his mind: "Would it hurt? Would I definitely kill myself and be released from everything?

"Or would I end up crippling myself for life on top of everything else? People say suicide is a coward's way out, but it takes a fair bit of courage to throw yourself into the unknown."

Pete was only saved by his mum Anne Stephenson walking on to the balcony just as he was about to drop.

"She saw me sitting there, plucking up the final ounce of courage to do it," said Pete. "If I'd had one of my big Tourette's tics at that moment I'd have been propelled over the side in a second anyway.

"But Mum gasped, -Oh my God, what are you doing?' I sobbed, -I want to kill myself, Mum. I'm nothing but a f****** freak now. I used to think that one day I'd get married, have a family and a career but now my whole life's been ruined.' "But when I saw her face and heard her pleading I realised I was being selfish. If I jumped I wouldn't be lightening her burden. I had to keep going. I had to find a way to beat Tourette's."

It's been tough. Just a year ago the demons returned and Pete considered suicide AGAIN, convinced he was living in hell, misunderstood and unable to deal with feelings of insanity.

"I lost the will to live," he admitted. "Then one night I was at a party and outside I found some barbed wire. I wanted to rip it deep across my wrists and tear them to shreds. I wanted to end it all.

"Then suddenly a voice in my head said -Don't do that!' So I stepped away. It was a message I had to learn. And then came Big Brother..."

Pete's journey to the brink of madness had been heartbreaking. Abandoned by his dad, his first memory as a tot was seeing mum Anne fly across the room as she took a beating from a boyfriend.

Violinist Anne travelled the world gigging with punk bands like Siouxsie and the Banshees and gay icons the Communards. A parade of transsexuals, gays and lesbians helped the struggling young mum to raise Pete. When concert work dried up she went busking.

Despite showbiz pals and appearances on Top Of The Pops, early life in their Peckham council flat was grim. From the age of nine Pete's gurning facial tics and growing obsessive-compulsive disorder made him an easy target for bullies, who branded him "Monkey Face".

One brute grabbed Pete in a headlock and stuffed a pencil up his nose. "He forced it as high as it would go," said Pete. "I was frightened it would puncture my brain. Eventually he pulled it out, but the rubber-fixed to the end of the pencil was no longer there. I could feel it, wedged somewhere up behind my eyes."

Ironically that incident led to the first medical diagnosis of Pete's Tourette's and the start of treatment. "Thank God," he recalled. "Now I knew it wasn't my fault. It was a syndrome'."

But Pete was always going to be different. As a student in Brighton he became best mates with Julian Brooker, known as Joolz -a friendship that was to end in tragedy.

Pete, Joolz and his exotic dancer girlfriend Cherry became regulars at kinky bondage clubs where Pete took mind-bending trips on LSD and ketamine, the horse tranquillizer.


Then came the fateful night two years ago. Pete and Joolz were hallucinating on magic mushrooms and ended up with Cherry on the deserted railway station behind their flat.

"Joolz crept over the bridge and dropped onto the tracks, crunching on the shingle," recalled Pete. "As he clowned about I called out, -You look like Gollum!' Then he touched a dead rail, pretending it was live and the electric current had stung him.

"When he crept further I saw a spark fly off him and thought he was still messing around. I was laughing and it looked like he was still jiggling about laughing too."

But then Cherry's scream of horror pierced the night as she realised Joolz was dying before their eyes.

"Without thinking we each grabbed one of his legs to pull him off," said Pete. "There was an enormous explosion as the current hit us and we were thrown back. We could see Joolz still juddering on the line, sparks and smoke coming off his face. The smell of burning was terrible."

As Pete struggled to overcome his friend's death, he slipped deeper into drugs and got addicted to ketamine. And the nightmare hallucinations got worse. One time he thought he was at the gates of hell.


Then he saw himself ageing by the second as maggots ate his rotting flesh.

In another episode Pete thought he saw God and dead pal Joolz telling him to give up drugs -and audition for Big Brother 7.

"From then on I knew what I had to do -fulfil Joolz's prophecy," revealed Pete. And he did his friend proud. Although winning has put enormous pressure on Pete, the £100,000 prize wiped out his hard-working mum's debts.

And his success raised £400,000 for a Tourette's charity.

Pete -now happily dating old pal Cherry, real name Gemma Costain -admits: "This getting famous thing is great, really wicked. But it's not always as easy as it looks."

PETE: MY STORY by Pete Bennett, is published by HarperCollins on Thursday at £17.99.

Lähetetty: 06 Joulu 2006 11:33
Kirjoittaja siiri.x
Näin on tosiaan kai käynyt. Ikävä juttu, mutta erojahan tulee. Mutta aika pitkä suhde oli noin BB:ssä alkaneeksi.

Ah, mitä muistoja. Helen ja Brian kaksin talossa. Melkein kuin Pirpana ja Kaki. Mutta olihan H & B ihanampia sittenkin.

Lähetetty: 09 Joulu 2006 12:53
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Big Brother star Spencer's nerves over panto

Spencer Smith made his name on Big Brother 3 as the mandatory "heart-throb" who was just too cool for school.

So what's he doing playing Jack in Blackburn's pantomime production of Jack in the Beanstalk?

"I love panto," he protests.

"On Big Brother I wasn't trying to be Mr Cool but when you're stuck in a house with a load of people who are full of themselves it makes you not want to get involved."

Since becoming a household name on everyone's favourite reality TV show, Spencer has been busy making a documentary on fishing for the Discovery Channel and doing lots and lots of nightclub PAs - that's public appearances to me and you.

"It took me a while to get the hang of it, but basically you get paid to go to a club and stand there for an hour waving and signing girls' boobs.

"I've signed thousands of boobs. You think to yourself This is fantastic'.

"It's lucky that they don't usually book you for clubs near your home town because my mates would turn up to heckle me."

Spencer maintains he doesn't regret his Big Brother experience.

"It was a good experience and it gave me lots of opportunities but I don't really think much about it anymore. Nobody really mentions it much now."

He does, however, admit to being a little bit apprehensive about his latest role as Jack at King George's Hall.

"I'm a bit nervous but I'm really looking forward to it," he said.

"Last year I was the Genie in Aladdin and the year before I was an Ugly Sister.

"Those parts were easy because I could just joke around on stage without much pressure.

"But this year as Jack it's a bit more nerve-racking.

"I think the character of Jack is a bit wussy too but I'm hoping I can toughen him up a bit."

So is he looking forward to spending Christmas in Blackburn - a long way from his home town of Cambridge?

"I've never been to Blackburn before and I'll be spending Christmas Day there but it doesn't worry me.

"Panto is perfect for someone like me because I hate Christmas Day - I can't be bothered with the present buying and that stuff.

"If I can spend Christmas Day in bed watching The Snowman I'll be happy." ... _panto.php

Lähetetty: 15 Tammi 2007 13:04
Kirjoittaja Brand

Lähetetty: 14 Elo 2007 22:53
Kirjoittaja Katjuskaliini76
No voi : :( Mä niin tykkäsin Helen ja Paulin romanssista...

Lähetetty: 14 Elo 2007 23:01
Kirjoittaja Katjuskaliini76
Hienoa että Alisonilla on vauva. :D Onko tietoo kuka on lapsen isä?

mä en

Lähetetty: 31 Elo 2007 10:19
Kirjoittaja jumala88
ei ne toisilleen sopinu :P