Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Keskustelua asukasvaihdosta / Discussion in English about the housemate swap.
Viestit: 650
Liittynyt: 13 Syys 2007 15:49
Paikkakunta: Tampere Region, Finland

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Rutjake » 07 Helmi 2010 16:19

Nicesioc, thank You for the update! It didn't surprise me at all that Cathy is so nice to her fans! And it's nice to hear that she and Aso can be in contact via facebook/email. Btw, Aso and Kätlin were in Turku (Aso's hometown) on Fri and Sat. They were booked by one construction exhibition. There's one small picture of them at the end of the page.

Tonight's pbb live episode: The Big 5 Debate.

Korina Sanchez (famous Filipina broadcast journalist):







Melai got excited:


After the live show hms were chatting and dancing with Korina:


Viestit: 156
Liittynyt: 01 Marras 2009 20:40
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja bianca » 07 Helmi 2010 16:50

Before they cut the live broadcast of the debate, some of the topics were:

1. Why do you deserve to be the Big Winner?
2. Which housemate does not need to win as Big Winner?
3. Which housemate is not real or not showing his/her true personality?
4. Which housemate did the most shameful thing inside the house?

Viestit: 650
Liittynyt: 13 Syys 2007 15:49
Paikkakunta: Tampere Region, Finland

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Rutjake » 07 Helmi 2010 16:59

Bianca, do you know why hms were divided once again? Isay & Tibo are in hA and Jason, Johan & PJ in hB.

Viestit: 113
Liittynyt: 26 Marras 2009 19:04

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja nicesioc » 07 Helmi 2010 20:02

Wowowee (Sam, Cathy, Yuri, Princess & Kath) - February 6, 2010 ... re=related

@rutjake i got your it seems really impossible for them to attend the big night...

Viestit: 650
Liittynyt: 13 Syys 2007 15:49
Paikkakunta: Tampere Region, Finland

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Rutjake » 07 Helmi 2010 22:16

Well, as said, Aso seems to have a gig on next Sat ( I don't know about Kätlin.

This is nice video: PT host Toni Gonzaga, Princess & Sam singing (playback?) and current hms dancing... on a show called ASAP

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 08 Helmi 2010 04:34

The last eviction was the most boring last eviction. :(

What? Aso has gig? :( Katlin should come here.

Viestit: 113
Liittynyt: 26 Marras 2009 19:04

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja nicesioc » 08 Helmi 2010 05:58

Rutjake kirjoitti:Well, as said, Aso seems to have a gig on next Sat ( I don't know about Kätlin.

This is nice video: PT host Toni Gonzaga, Princess & Sam singing (playback?) and current hms dancing... on a show called ASAP
the song was Wondergirls a famous Korean girlband
here's the original MV

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 08 Helmi 2010 10:52


My PBB Experience

I was a complete wreck. I was a hyperventilation away from a nervous breakdown. Lord knows we’ve had so many TV appearances in the past (we even had a TV show of our own back in the day), but I swear, hands down, this was the TV guesting I was MOST nervous about, EVER! I guess the stress stemmed from the fact that I was such a big fan of the series. I have to admit that I never really watched Pinoy Big Brother in the past, except maybe a few episodes when Rico Robles went in, but to actually follow the series, never. But somehow this season really got me hooked. I have foregone many a good night’s sleep just to stay up until after 11pm just to catch the show, even if I have to wake up at 4:30 the next morning.

So imagine my blood rush when they actually invited me to be part of the show! Dream. Come. True. Even if it was just a few minutes in the house, I was beyond excited. I kept myself busy the whole day Sunday, even hosting a children’s party in the morning and blogging in the afternoon, just to settle my frazzled nerves. It didn’t work. I completely skipped dinner because I didn’t want to look fat (hahaha!). I mean, with the extra 10 pounds that the camera adds, I’d be 20 pounds overweight! Anyway, when time came, and after what seemed like 12 outfit changes, I started driving towards ABS-CBN, when I suddenly realized, as I approached Timog, that I left my camera at home! I wanted some sort of remembrance, and I forget my camera! I made a quick u-turn and headed back home, with about 20 minutes before the call time, and I drove like a demon on wheels back to my house, got the camera, and whizzed back, past the cars on the northbound lane of EDSA, and was at the ABS-CBN parking lot with 5 minutes to spare.

When I got to the front of the house, there was a group of teens taking pictures in front of the gate. I texted my contact, but he wasn’t answering. I started to panic. What if it was all a prank? What if it was a nasty prank to humiliate me after I tell all my friends that I’m guesting on my favorite show? The horror of the thought! I started breaking into a cold sweat and my breathing became laboured. Then, I started worrying less about the humiliation, and more about the sudden flood of disappointment that I wasn’t seeing the inside of the house after all! But just as I was about to start bawling on the sidewalk like a little child, out came Dong of ABS-CBN to fetch me, who was by then a complete mess.

We walked into the house but not the house we see on TV, but the rest of an actually huge complex, housing offices, studios, and even the other house for their other reality show, the Dream Academy? Then they brought me into the room, and there was Maui Taylor, whom I’ve known since our diving days, and soon after Ma’am Peppin from UST, Dimples Romana and then Direk Wenn Deramas. After about an hour, we were suddenly fitted with our own lapel mics (yes, exactly like the ones the housemates use), and ushered through some dark corridors, when I suddenly realized, we were right outside the housemates’ room! From where we were, we could see their bedroom, complete with their clothes strewn about, and it was so surreal! I was just imagining how cool it would have been if they were actually in the room when we passed! Then they opened the door, and I froze. It was the confession room (*faint*).

It was much more colorful and bigger than I expected. The colors on our TV at least, were much more muted than the splash of colors that greeted us. Almost immediately, Big Brother started talking to us, and instructing us on who should sit where. It was just the most surreal experience, hearing kuya address me by name. To be honest, I had goosebumps the first time he called me. It was like half goosebumps-half scared. Kuya’s voice rang with godlike authority, yet infused with unearthly warmth. Then, someone mentioned how sayang it was that we didn’t have a camera. Then I realized I forget that I was holding one the whole time! So I told everyone that I had a camera with me. Prodded by my co-panelists, we asked kuya if we could take one picture. Since kuya was busy with the debate, we got no answer. So I set up the camera to take one shot. It turned out perfect! Then, within seconds, someone went into the room to get the camera. Busted!

Then we were instructed to just talk about anything that pops into our heads while watching the Big Debate. We didn’t really know which part of our many conversations they would actually use, so we just kept on blabbing. Then, after talking and talking and talking, the debate ended. Later we found out that we were introduced, but we had no idea because they didn’t show us how the program was going. People have told me I looked nervous – it was because I was. I just didn’t know if I understood what we were supposed to do. After the debate was over, kuya started to address us again. I really tend to jump up everytime he speaks. I find it weird when I see the housemates do it, but now I know it could be pretty disconcerting when you suddenly hear the out-of-this-realm voice of Big Brother. Then we were asked what we thought of the debate, and after we went one by one, we were asked the question that I was dreading: “Who did we think should win?” Watch tonight as to how the five of us answered, I wouldn’t want to pre-empt it. But let me just say that of the final five, take Johan out and the remaining four have always been my top four picks from the very first episode I caught. So I’d be happy if any of the four makes it as the Big Winner. Nothing against Johan, but the other four really are my favorites. Unfortunately though, kuya made each of us choose only one. After that, kuya asked us if we enjoyed the experience and then thanked us for dropping by. I almost didn’t want to leave.

On our way out, we passed by the same corridors with the one-way mirrors looking into the house and when I glanced inside the windows…THE HOUSEMATES WERE THERE. I remember when I was a kid, the first time I saw Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in Disneyland Anaheim, I cried! I couldn’t believe I was meeting my childhood heroes. It kind of brought me back to that. It was way weird watching them in their room, as they spoke with Korina Sanchez. It almost felt illegal watching them. I felt like a pervert peeping tom, looking into some stranger’s house! Everyone got so excited that we made so much noise. Suddenly, we saw all the housemates turn their heads, and pointed to the windows where we were. Apparently, they could hear us. Paul Jake and Tibo even went to the windows and tried to listen to what we were saying! They all look much bigger in person, maybe because I’m used to seeing them small on TV. I swear, that was just sooo cool.

I hardly remember what happened after that. Everything was a blur. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush fading, but the next thing I remember, I was zooming along EDSA southbound, heading back home. Surreal was the word for it. I had a big smile when I got home. To whoever suggested guesting me on PBB: THANK YOU! The whole experience brought out the kid in me again. Being in the industry tends to jade oneself after one too many brushes with celebs. It’s nice to know I can experience wonderment in its simplest form. Thanks, kuya!

(They told us that they’re airing our full episode tonight so please watch if you’re inclined!)

Got this one from PEX. Enjoy.

The blogger is the first guy from the left.

Viestit: 19
Liittynyt: 12 Joulu 2009 22:06
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja photogurl » 09 Helmi 2010 02:28

Rutjake kirjoitti: This is nice video: PT host Toni Gonzaga, Princess & Sam singing (playback?) and current hms dancing... on a show called ASAP
I got to watch that live performance coz we were one of the studio audience and yeah they were lip syncing :D

I need to share this hehe...My mom has a friend who's affiliated with JAG jeans, one of PBB's sponsors so we also had the privilege to tour around Kuya's house last Sunday. We got to see the remaining housemates behind the one-way mirrors. I was surprised how Jason looks good in person (he's the best looking among the guys) with his rosy cheeks. He was washing his clothes when we saw him lol. Johan and PJ look good as well and Tibo looks young for his age. Melai on the other hand has smooth and nice complexion. However, I'm little dissapointed that i didn't see Cathy in person specially when she's still inside the house. It was a missed opportunity. :(

After seeing the hms in tv for days,it's really a strange experience looking at hms from the outside doing their everyday thing. So i give credit to the guy who wrote that blog^ was really a superb experience being inside the BB house.

Viestit: 156
Liittynyt: 01 Marras 2009 20:40
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja bianca » 09 Helmi 2010 15:23

photos posted by GiRLinTRouBLe on PEX:





Viestit: 650
Liittynyt: 13 Syys 2007 15:49
Paikkakunta: Tampere Region, Finland

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Rutjake » 09 Helmi 2010 19:42

Thanks everyone for stories and pictures :thumbsup

They revealed the faces behind the letters. For me it was little bit surprising that PJ's leading.


Is PJ's father the CEO and president of International Pharmaceutical Inc, Mr. Pio Castillo Jr?

PJ's one hobby is drag racing. Is there any pictures/videos of him racing?

E. found one:

At least at 3:31 you can see PJ's car.

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 10 Helmi 2010 04:10

Yup Rutjake. PJ's Father is the President and CEO of that "Pharma Giant of the South". PJ comes from a very rich family. Now fans are determined to vote for the poor despite of his/her performance on the tasks. PJ from the start is determined to win. He is the most deserving to win, IMHO.

Viestit: 113
Liittynyt: 26 Marras 2009 19:04

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja nicesioc » 10 Helmi 2010 08:16

I PMed ASO it's now confirmed that he and Kaitlin won't be here on Big Night, and they'll just put them through phone patch on saturday.

And he said he already talked to cathy. :) and hopefully he'll be here on mid March.

Viestit: 113
Liittynyt: 26 Marras 2009 19:04

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja nicesioc » 10 Helmi 2010 08:24

yess indeed PJ comes from a very wealthy family...and i heard his family spend a lot of money to vote for him....they bought 400 simcards...yap

Viestit: 3067
Liittynyt: 30 Loka 2009 12:45

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Käpsytin » 10 Helmi 2010 09:04

nicesioc kirjoitti:I PMed ASO it's now confirmed that he and Kaitlin won't be here on Big Night, and they'll just put them through phone patch on saturday.
It's a bit shame that Kätlin and Aso won't be there on the Big Night but it is better than nothing if they will have some kind of phone conference call with Kätlin and Aso on the Big Night so Kätlin and Aso can somehow participate in it. Hopefully it will be a video conference call.
:Love: Kätlin & Johanna :Love:
- Ou mai kaat, 110% suloisen herttaista ihanuutta -

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 10 Helmi 2010 09:53

No Aso and Katlin for Big Night. :(

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 10 Helmi 2010 09:59

I wish Aso is just lying to surprise us all. *still hoping*

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 10 Helmi 2010 10:07

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 10 Helmi 2010 10:09

Rutjake kirjoitti:Thanks everyone for stories and pictures :thumbsup

They revealed the faces behind the letters. For me it was little bit surprising that PJ's leading.

Yeah, thank you all so much for your stories, pictures and info's you've shared here! It's nice to get some inside info and clarifications every now and then so that we can understand better what is it all about. And you guys have really done great job by keeping us updated! :)

And YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, PJ is leading!!!!!!!! I'm so happy! :lets dance: I've been voting him also and it seems his fans have now awaken for the final week. Or maybe they have "saved" their votes for the final battle? Well, what ever it is, I hope the support stays strong till the end. I think Melason fans can still put a big fight though...

PJ [smilie=a_goodjob.gif] PJ [smilie=a_goodjob.gif] PJ [smilie=a_sunflower.gif] PJ [smilie=a_sunflower.gif] PJ [smilie=a_sunflower.gif]

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 10 Helmi 2010 10:22

PBB Update: Paul Jake leads text vote count | 02/10/2010 3:53 PM

MANILA, Philippines – Housemate Paul Jake Castillo of Cebu has nosed out the popular love team of Melisa Cantiveros and Jason Francisco in terms of text votes in the latest Pinoy Big Brother (PBB) Double Up tally.

As of Tuesday night, figures showed that among PBB’s “Big 5” Castillo so far received the highest number of votes (31.66%). He was followed by Francisco (23.21%), Cantiveros (20.93%), Johan Santos (13.39%), and Tibo Jumalon (10.82%).

However, the voting for the “Big Winner” is still on. Whoever gets the highest number of text votes by February 13 will be proclaimed this season’s “Big Winner.”

To vote via mobile just text BBS(space)NAME OF HOUSEMATE and send to 2331 for Globe, Sun Cellular, TM and Bayan Wireless subscribers and 231 for Smart and Talk N’ Text subscribers.

In PBB’s history, this was the first time that Big Brother revealed the voting standing of the remaining housemates. Big Brother said it was his way of showing his gratitude to PBB’s loyal viewers.

On the same night, Big Brother also finally revealed to the housemates that all 5 of them will advance to the “Big Night.”

The announcement of winners will be held at Ninoy Aquino Stadium on February 13.

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 10 Helmi 2010 11:35

3 more days to go before the Big Night. Please vote for Paul Jake. :D

Viestit: 156
Liittynyt: 01 Marras 2009 20:40
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja bianca » 10 Helmi 2010 15:32

Awww... Sad that Katlin won't be on the Big Night. ..

Anyways, I'm happy that PJ is leading on the votes. I guess he gained a lot of votes when he showed his great attitude on Resbak Attack week and on the Big debate. I remembered when Rica was evicted, the next person with the lowest votes is PJ. So I think at that time, he doesn't have as much supporters like now. Melason fans are now divided who to vote between Melai and Jason that's why they're votes are not that high.

Vastaa Viestiin

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