Big Brother 9 USA

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Viestit: 76
Liittynyt: 28 Elo 2005 21:45
Paikkakunta: Lappeenranta


Viesti Kirjoittaja Sahtor » 24 Huhti 2008 19:44

Sahtor kirjoitti:Ryan on liian tylsä voittaakseen.
Rankkasin tämän ManBearPig:n viimeiseksi jo top10ssa. Viimeinen strateginen moka oli Sheilan pudottaminen mutta onpa Adamin voitto paras mahdollinen tulos koko sarjaa ajatellen.

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 24 Huhti 2008 21:51

Jo kuukausi sitten veikkasin Ryanin vievän voiton ja olen edelleen vahvasti sitä mieltä.

Veikkaus juryäänistä:

Adam vs Ryan 2-5
Matt äänestää Ryania
Chelsia äänestää Ryania
Joshuah äänestää Ryania
James äänestää Ryania
Natalie äänestää Adamia
Sharon äänestää Ryania
Sheila äänestää Adamia
Parhaat asukkaat: 1. Aleisha 2. Nikki (1982-2021 RIP) 3. Paul 4. Dick 5. Charlotte

Parhaat kaudet: 1. BBAU7 2. BBUK9 3. BBUS8 4. BBAU4 5. BBCAN4

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 24 Huhti 2008 22:43

Ryan taitaa olla sen bitch-Jenin ukko ja Adam se "retard"-jannu. Hyvä hyvä, Ryanille voitto!

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 26 Huhti 2008 12:41


Parhaat asukkaat: 1. Aleisha 2. Nikki (1982-2021 RIP) 3. Paul 4. Dick 5. Charlotte

Parhaat kaudet: 1. BBAU7 2. BBUK9 3. BBUS8 4. BBAU4 5. BBCAN4

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 27 Huhti 2008 01:48

Tämä Jenkkien "Replay feed" -juttu on kyllä ihan mielenkiintoinen idea, joka sopii juuri tälläisiin tilanteisiin, kun normi livessä ei tapahdu yhtään mitään.

Olisikohan tää konsepti mahdollista adoptoida myös Suomeenkin mahdollisten hiljaisten/tylsien hetkien varalle.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 27 Huhti 2008 04:15

calderyon kirjoitti:Tämä Jenkkien "Replay feed" -juttu on kyllä ihan mielenkiintoinen idea, joka sopii juuri tälläisiin tilanteisiin, kun normi livessä ei tapahdu yhtään mitään.

Olisikohan tää konsepti mahdollista adoptoida myös Suomeenkin mahdollisten hiljaisten/tylsien hetkien varalle.
Ei missään nimessä. Jos jotain yhtäkkiä tapahtuukin, niin mitäs sitte?

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 27 Huhti 2008 09:22

Laittaa Realplayerin/WMP:n pyörittämään replay feediä ja BBviewerin normifeediä.

Tuo Quad -kamera on kyllä hyödyllinen. Ei missaa ainakaan tapahtumia kovin helposti.

Tämän ainakin voisi jotenkin hyödyntää SBB:ssä.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Viestit: 76
Liittynyt: 28 Elo 2005 21:45
Paikkakunta: Lappeenranta

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja Sahtor » 28 Huhti 2008 12:08

Viimeinen after dark oli jossain määrin hauskaa kuunneltavaa. Siellä Adam jutteli Ryanille show producer tyttöystävästä jota ei ilmeisesti saanut mainita. Bawlerille tuttuun tyyliin J-Chen, Sheila, Cameron Diaz ja monet muut vilahti mahdollisissa rap party orgioissa.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 28 Huhti 2008 13:31

No niin... Adam voitti kuten pitikin ja kausi on saatu nyt päätökseen. Onnea Adam :cheers [smilie=a_partyguy.gif] :thumbsup

Olipas muuten osa juryn jäsenistä katkeria eritoten Joshuah, Sheila jotka olivat eritysen vihaisia Adamille.

Btw James sai lohdutuspalkinnon (25 000 USD), sen takia koska Jenkit äänestivät hänet parhaaksi juryjäseneksi. Sheila tuli äänestyksessä toiseksi.

Se, että äänet menivät noinkin selvästi oli pienoinen yllätys. Lopulta ainoa, joka Ryania äänesti oli Joshuah. Eli äänet menivät siis 6-1 Adamille.

Tämä kausi oli vasta toinen ulkomaalainen ja ensimmäinen jenkkikausi minulle, joten vertailu kohtaa ei oikeastaan ole.

Mutta kyllähän tämä kausi ihan hyvä oli. Loppua kohti ja väen vähetessä vain alkoi tylsyys nostaa päätään ja viimeisinä päivinä en
katsonut Liveä oikeastaan ollenkaan. Tämä johtui kauden " ´Till death do us part" -pari teemasta, joka epäonnistui ainakin osittain.

Tietyt ihmiset olisivat saaneet olla pidempään mukana, kun taas tietyt olisivat joutaneet pois ensimmäisten joukossa (mm. Sheila, Chelsia ja Joshuah).

Kaudella nähtiin paljon mm. riitoja, selän takana puhumista, selkänpuukotusta, valehtelua, haukkumista, pelailua yms.
kuten JenkkiBB:seen kuuluukin.

Kyllähän tätä muissakin BB:ssä tapahtuu, mutta jenkki formaatissa
nuo asiat korostuvat paljon suuremmiksi ja tärkeämmiksi elementeiksi kuin esim.
arkinen eläminen ja normaali kanssakäyminen ihmisten kesken.

Tähän voisi odottaa jonkinlaista pientä muutosta.

Mutta ei kai siinä, nyt alkaa sitten Australian BB:n aktiivinen seuraaminen ja palataan asiaan kun BB USA 10 alkaa.

Tähän loppuun vielä kaikki asukkaat listattuna parhaasta huonompaan
(oma mielipide).

1. Adam
2. Matt
3. Natalie
4. Amanda
9. Jen
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 28 Huhti 2008 14:22

Voitto meni yllättäen todella selvin lukemin A-Ballerille. Ihan hyvä näin.

Rehellisyyden nimissä on kuitenkin sanottava, että kausi ei ollut mikään menestys. Jos verrataan vaikkapa loistavaan edelliskauteen tai mainioon kuudenteen kauteen, niin eroa on kuin yöllä ja päivällä. OK kausi kuitenkin.
Innolla odotan taas seuraavaa kautta, joka alkaa heinäkuussa. Saas nähdä minkä twistin ovat siihen keksineet..
Parhaat asukkaat: 1. Aleisha 2. Nikki (1982-2021 RIP) 3. Paul 4. Dick 5. Charlotte

Parhaat kaudet: 1. BBAU7 2. BBUK9 3. BBUS8 4. BBAU4 5. BBCAN4

Viestit: 8346
Liittynyt: 13 Elo 2006 21:47
Paikkakunta: Uleåborg

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja Tirkka » 28 Huhti 2008 19:55

calderyon kirjoitti:Tämä Jenkkien "Replay feed" -juttu on kyllä ihan mielenkiintoinen idea, joka sopii juuri tälläisiin tilanteisiin, kun normi livessä ei tapahdu yhtään mitään.

Olisikohan tää konsepti mahdollista adoptoida myös Suomeenkin mahdollisten hiljaisten/tylsien hetkien varalle.
Niitä hetkiä varten meillä on klipit olemassa. Niistä on hyvin apua ensi alkuun. :)
Totuus on tuolla ulkona.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 28 Huhti 2008 20:45

You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 28 Huhti 2008 20:51

You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 20 Loka 2009 12:43 kirjoitti:Big Brother winner Adam Jasinski charged with dealing drugs
Charged With Dealing Oxycodone


A reality television show star is in trouble with the law in Massachusetts, charged with flying to the Bay State to sell oxycodone pills.

Adam Jasinski, last year’s winner of the CBS show “Big Brother,” was charged today in U.S. District Court in Boston with possession of oxycodone pills with intent to distribute. He was ordered held in custody until another hearing Thursday.

FOX Undercover’s camera was at the North Reading police station early this morning capturing exclusive video of Jasinski being loaded into a police vehicle for his day in court. He was arrested there on Saturday night, just hours after flying into Logan Airport to allegedly sell oxycodone.

Authorities say in court papers that Jasinski had nearly 2,000 oxycodone pills on him when he flew from his home in Delray Beach, Florida to Logan Airport. A Massachusetts man arrested for allegedly dealing drugs earlier this month picked him up at the airport. The two then drove to a strip mall parking lot in North Reading to allegedly complete the deal, but DEA agents busted him there.

Authorities say Jasinski, whose nickname is “Baller,” flew into Massachusetts with drugs hiding in his pants. Jasinski allegedly confessed that he had been selling thousands of oxycodone pills all along the East Cost over the past several months, and had been funding his enterprise with the $500,000 price he won from the “Big Brother Season 9” show.

If convicted, Jasinski faces up to 20 years imprisonment and a $1 million fine
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 26 Joulu 2009 17:34

Reality TV News kirjoitti:Former 'Big Brother' champion Adam Jasinski released from prison


The Big Brother ninth-season winner has been released from prison and will now be sent to an inpatient substance abuse treatment center, The Associated Press reported Thursday.

Jasinski was released on a $200,000 bond secured by his parent's home and three Florida properties he owns, according to The AP, which added the U.S. Attorney's office said a condition of his release is that his parents have agreed to be responsible for him as he receives treatment.

The 31-year-old Delray Beach, FL resident was arrested in October after flying to Boston and attempting to sell the drugs to a Drug Enforcement Administration witness.

According to an affidavit filed by a DEA Special Agent, the witness -- reportedly a local drug dealer who had been arrested earlier in October -- met Jasinski at Logan International Airport and then drove to a North Reading, MA strip mall where DEA agents arrested Jasinski after he pulled the pills from a sock stuffed in his pants.

The witness set up the drug buy via an October 8 phone call to Jasinski, according to the affidavit, which added Jasinski stated he had used his $500,000 Big Brother cash prize to bankroll his drug dealing and boasted that he has been "obtaining thousands of pills of oxycodone" which he's sold "to customers all along the East Coast" during the few several months.

Jasinski was charged with possession of oxycodone pills with intent to distribute and faces a maximum of 20 years in jail and a $1 million fine if convicted. He subsequently pleaded not guilty and was ordered held without bail.

Last month, Jasinski filed court papers asking for his release from prison -- claiming he was willing to live with his parents, wear an electronic-monitoring bracelet, relinquish his passport and undergo mental health and substance abuse counseling as conditions of a potential release.

According to court filings, Jasinski's defense lawyer plans on "calling into question the veracity of the cooperating government witness" and claiming his arrest involved "entrapment and outrageous government conduct."

Earlier this month a judge granted Jasinski's release with the stipulation that he first attend a substance-abuse treatment program.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 10 Huhti 2010 20:16

Reality TV World kirjoitti:'Big Brother' champ Adam Jasinski asking judge to let him exit rehab


Adam Jasinski wants out of rehab.

The Big Brother ninth-season winner -- who was arrested last fall and charged with possession of oxycodone pills with intent to distribute -- will ask U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Leo T. Sorokin on Friday to release him from a Westboro, MA rehab center so he can live with his parents in New Jersey, the Boston Herald reported Thursday.

The 31-year-old Delray Beach, FL resident -- who went to rehab in December and isn't scheduled to go to trial until July 19 -- wants out of the Spectrum Residential Program so he can allegedly use his notoriety to do charity work.

"I have utilized and exhausted all the program has to offer," said Jasinski in a letter to the court, the Herald reported.

In addition, Jasinski claims that his Big Brother fame presents "an opportunity for him to give back to the community," according to the Herald, which added Louis Sacchetti -- who runs a men's Christian-based recovery program for addicts in New Jersey -- has agreed to sponsor him.

"If it wasn't for second shots, I wouldn't be talking to you. I'd be locked up," Sacchetti told the Herald.

"The people who helped me get sober were really, really honest with me. That's what I'm going to offer to him. I just hope that he is really willing to knuckle down. It's the hardest thing I ever did in my life, but it was also the most rewarding."

Jasinski was arrested in October after flying to Boston and attempting to sell the drugs to a Drug Enforcement Administration witness.

According to an affidavit filed by a DEA Special Agent, the witness -- reportedly a local drug dealer who had been arrested earlier in October -- met Jasinski at Logan International Airport and then drove to a North Reading, MA strip mall where DEA agents arrested Jasinski after he pulled the pills from a sock stuffed in his pants.

The witness set up the drug buy via an October 8 phone call to Jasinski, according to the affidavit, which added Jasinski stated he had used his $500,000 Big Brother cash prize to bankroll his drug dealing and boasted that he has been "obtaining thousands of pills of oxycodone" which he had been selling "to customers all along the East Coast."

Jasinski faces a maximum of 20 years in jail and a $1 million fine if convicted.

He subsequently pleaded not guilty and was ordered held without bail before a judge granted his release with the stipulation that he first attend a substance-abuse treatment program.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 24 Huhti 2010 04:46 kirjoitti:'Big Bro' Star Arrested for Beating Pregnant GF


A former "Big Brother" houseguest was arrested this weekend after allegedly unleashing a ferocious attack on his pregnant girlfriend.

According to the Boston PD, cops responded to the home of Matt McDonald -- who appeared on BB Season 9 -- after his girlfriend showed up at a local police station to file a complaint.

Cops say Matt's GF -- who's currently 8 weeks pregnant with Matt's baby -- told them the two began arguing after the reality star accused her of cheating on him ... and that's when things got violent.

According to the police report, Matt's GF told cops he began strangling her and yelling, "I hope the baby dies and hope u [sic] have a miscarriage."

The GF claims the next day, Matt accused her of pouring water in his plasma TV -- and then proceeded to kick her in the collarbone, put her in a headlock ... and began punching her in the arms.

During the alleged confrontation, Matt called the victim's father on the phone and she allegedly screamed for help. Matt then screamed, "Shut the f*ck up or I'll punch you in the face." She also claims Matt threatened to kill her father if he called cops.

According to the police report, officers observed visible bruising on the GF's arms, neck and collarbone -- and proceeded to arrest McDonald. According to the police report, McDonald told cops that she attacked him -- and he was simply defending himself.

McDonald was charged with assault and battery -- and assault and battery upon a pregnant person. He's due back in court next month.

As for the baby, we're told the GF is still pregnant.

UPDATE: TMZ has learned the two were engaged to be married at the time of the incident.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 28 Huhti 2010 01:03 kirjoitti:'Big Bro' Star Busted Again - Witness Intimidation


The "Big Brother" star who allegedly beat his pregnant girlfriend was arrested again last week -- after his GF told cops he was trying to scare her into dropping the charges.

According to the Winthrop Police Department's incident report, Matt McDonald and his family members allegedly waged a relentless 2-day campaign of intimidation against the accuser and her family ... after Matt's initial arrest on April 18.

In the report, Matt's GF claims she began to feel frightened when Matt began calling her from jail -- 4 times in 48 hours.

The GF also claims that Matt's family began to harass her -- first on the phone ... and then they started showing up at her work ... demanding that she drop the charges.

Matt was eventually arrested for witness intimidation on April 23 -- after cops determined he may pose a serious threat.

Attempts to reach Matt for comment were unsuccessful. kirjoitti:'Big Brother' -- 2nd Star Accused in Drug Ring

A former "Big Brother Season 9" contestant has just been arrested for conspiracy to distribute oxycodone -- and authorities believe he was in cahoots with another BB9 housemate ... the guy who won the show.


Matthew McDonald (left) was indicted in federal court in Massachusetts today for allegedly participating in a drug ring run by "Big Brother" Season 9 winner Adam Jasinski (right). According to the indictment, McDonald was involved in the alleged drug ring from April 2008 to October 2009.

McDonald and Jasinski were allies inside the "Big Brother" house during most of Season 9 -- which ran from February 2008 through April 2008.

As we previously reported, Jasinski was arrested in October 2009 after cops say he used his $500,000 Big Brother winnings to fund a large oxycodone distribution ring.

As for McDonald -- it's the third major criminal charge levied against him this month. Matthew is accused of beating his pregnant girlfriend and then attempting to intimidate her into dropping the charges.

If convicted of the drug charge, McDonald faces up to 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 04 Touko 2010 16:40

Reality TV World kirjoitti:Prosecutors ask 'Big Brother's Matt McDonald be held without bail


Matt McDonald could be behind bars for a while if federal prosecutors get their way.

U.S. District Judge Leo Sorokin is currently considering a request by prosecutors that the former Big Brother ninth-season houseguest be held without bail pending his trial on a federal drug charge, The Associated Press reported Monday.

Sorokin did not immediately issue a ruling, according to The AP, which added McDonald's attorney said his client strongly denies the charge.

McDonald was indicted last Tuesday on a charge of conspiracy to distribute oxycodone as part of a drug ring allegedly run by Big Brother ninth-season winner Adam Jasinski.

While authorities failed to identify Jasinski as the "unidentified Florida man" from which McDonald received the oxycodone in court on Monday, The AP reported his attorney believes it was Jasinski.

McDonald -- a Charlestown, MA resident -- was allegedly involved in the drug ring from April 2008 to October 2009, according to the indictment. He faces up to 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine if he is convicted.

Jasinski was arrested in October after flying to Boston and attempting to sell drugs to a Drug Enforcement Administration witness.

According to an affidavit filed by a DEA Special Agent, the witness -- reportedly a local drug dealer who had been arrested earlier in October -- met Jasinski at Logan International Airport and then drove to a North Reading, MA strip mall where DEA agents arrested Jasinski after he pulled the pills from a sock stuffed in his pants.

The witness set up the drug buy via an October 8 phone call to Jasinski, according to the affidavit, which added Jasinski stated he had used his $500,000 Big Brother cash prize to bankroll his drug dealing and boasted that he had been "obtaining thousands of pills of oxycodone" which he had been selling "to customers all along the East Coast."

Jasinski was charged with possession of oxycodone pills with intent to distribute and is currently awaiting trial.

McDonald was also arrested April 18 and charged with assault and battery after he allegedly attacked his pregnant fiancee. He was arrested again two days later and charged with witness intimidation after allegedly harassing the unidentified woman and her family.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother 9 USA

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 22 Tammi 2011 00:37 kirjoitti:'Big Brother' Winner -- 4 Years In The Big House


"Big Brother" winner Adam Jasinski has been sentenced to 4 years in federal prison for masterminding a prescription drug ring ... which he funded with the prize money from the show.

As we previously reported, Jasinski was busted in a sting operation in 2009 -- when he tried to sell 2,000 oxycodone pills to a government informant.

Jasinski had pleaded guilty to drug possession with attempt to distribute ... and failure to file a tax return in 2008 -- the year he won his $500,000 prize on the show.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Vastaa Viestiin

Palaa sivulle “Big Brother USA & Kanada”