Sivu 16/19

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 18:08
Kirjoittaja zilipippuri
Saisko ton saman taikurin Suomen BB-taloon :D!

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 18:43
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Ei ole tullut vielä yhtään videoklippiä Munyan comebackistä. Saas nähdä haukkuuko mies Suomen pystyyn vai hehkuttaako vuolaasti vierailuaan täällä.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 18:50
Kirjoittaja foxie
Obomasta napattu linkki (Munya juttelee muille asukkaille paluun jälkeen).
Munya is back in BBAs House!

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 18:57
Kirjoittaja Spencer
^ Kiitos linkistä!

Munya kertoo mm. Afrikka-illasta, poikien hullusta pelistä, ekan illan sukkajuoksusta jne.. Suomen BB:n jätkät ovat kuulemma ihan hulluja. :)

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 19:46
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: Catching Up!

... Kept close to his chest his intimate moments with Cheryl.

Magically brought back into the House, a fascinated Munya caught up with his fellow Housemates.


Munya told them that, like BBA, BB Finland won their wager for their task this week. However, one Finnish guy’s reaction to the news scared the hell out of Munya: he “grabbed one of the lesbian chicks and kissed her”. The Housemates were stunned to find out that BB Finland accommodates gay people.

Munya also shared his experiences of diving into the ice cold pool and getting stark naked in the sauna, but kept close to his chest his intimate moments with Cheryl.

The Ambassador
Munya said the entire experience was quite challenging because he had to embrace the role of being an Africa ambassador. He said his duties included clearing up misconceptions that “everything is just fucked up in Africa” and that Zambians eat flies.

The Housemates filled him in about Johan, the previous nominations, the pool cleaners and the recent antics of the magician that brought him back.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 20:27
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Larry brings back Munya!

Munya Re-appears: ... x?vid=7353

^ Hauska mies tuo Larry.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 20:37
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Munya talks about some of his former Housemates.

This One Time, In Finland…: ... x?vid=7355

^ Munyalla, Thamilla ja Hazelilla Suomi-pipot päässä! :thumbsup

Edit: Between the Lines: ... x?vid=7356

^ Munya väittää nukkuneensa yksin sviitissä.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 21:23
Kirjoittaja Kuuhullu
Something to Hide?

25 October 2008 19:44

It could be a case of Tanya vs. Rita in the very near future.
After taking them to Finland and back in two hours, Munya finally spills the bean about Cheryl, describing her as “this chick from Finland!”

It’s what everybody has been waiting anxiously to hear, straight form the horse’s mouth, what went on between Munya and Cheryl. The two clicked the minute he got into the Fin BB House and they spent quality time in the sauna. The cherry on top is that before Munya’s departure, they exchanged a passionate kiss and she promised to come to Africa on condition Munya introduces her to his parents.

Kiss, Don’t Tell

However, Munya is omitting certain details of his trip. So far he’s only given the Housemates a line about this “chick from Finland” he chose to go to the Penthouse with him. We’re wondering what’s holding him back from giving his fellow Housemates the juicy bits?

Could he be trying to protect Tawana’s feelings because he wants to resume their “story telling”
between the sheets? If that’s the case, we won’t be getting the juicy bits any time soon. Tawana has been following him around like a puppy since he got back; from the Kitchen to the Lounge to the Garden, she obviously doesn’t want to miss a single word coming out of his mouth.

While Tawana is clearly happy to have Munya back in the House, we also have to wonder what impact his return will have on her blooming romance with Ricco. It could be a case of Tanya vs. Rita in the very near future. ... spx?id=937

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 21:39
Kirjoittaja lampaada
Pitänee muistaa kuten Munya sanoi jo täällä ollessaan "että hän pelaa! :lol: Siis eihän M halua menettää Tawanan suosiota, muuten M voisi saada häätöääniä jos Twna saisi tietää että poju on pitänyt enemmänkin hauskaa :cheers

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 25 Loka 2008 21:58
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Munya says people were amazed by the fact he was from Africa.

More on Finland: ... x?vid=7357

"Thami, jos menet sinne, niin sinun peniksesi putoaa maahan...." :lol: Ei täällä nyt ihan niin kylmä ole.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 26 Loka 2008 00:09
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: Dirty Dancing

She gave him another “welcome home” hug and almost stole a kiss.


Ricco, Tawana and Munya get down and dirty in the swimming pool and the Garden.

Munya has woken up from his slumber; his welcome home party is hot, hot, hot! It started out low key in the Lounge but Ricco swerved it to the swimming pool, despite the pouring rain. Tawana joined him and later Munya dived in as well: ... x?vid=7360

The action was not limited to the pool though, as the threesome displayed their skills in the mud-filled Garden too! Tawana, in her blue bikini, constantly teased the guys with her seductive moves while dancing at the centre of the Garden covered with mud. She jumped back into the pool and, when the guys joined her, she lined them for a rare performance as she displayed how she shakes her booty the Beyonce way: ... x?vid=7361

Munya and Ricco were like crazy boys who’d just won a dancing competition. Inspired by reflections of their images through the windows; the two danced as though nobody was watching them.

Tanya Returns!
Tawana’s chance finally arrived when she got closer to Munya in the swimming pool. She gave him another “welcome home” hug and almost stole a kiss. Then she wrapped her legs around his body and refused to let go. Later, Munya lifted her body close to his chest and she danced with her bikini bottom a few centimeters away from his face. Munya kept smiling, a sign that he was enjoying the attention.

Ricco’s chapter has seemingly been shred to pieces, as it’s clear that the two missed each other during Munya’s week-long visit in Finland. Tawana has wasted no time making it clear who her number one story-teller is, or maybe she’s just trying to avoid a Ricco's Juju.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 26 Loka 2008 02:18
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Munyalla näyttää olevan hauskaa, mutta mitä ihmettä mies näkee tuossa Tawanassa? kirjoitti: “Tawana Olympics”

Could this competition be the determining factor in deciding who Tawana will share a bed with tonight?


Munya and Ricco take their race for Tawana’s attention into the pool. And when Ricco sees Munya way ahead of him, he dashes to the “prize” and pulls down her bikini!

On Your Marks, Ready, Go! ... x?vid=7364

Foul Play
On your marks, get ready, go! Tawana ordered the two guys drooling for her attention to go for it, from one end to the other. Ricco kept touching the finishing line last and called for replays. After the third attempt, he seemed convinced that his competitor swims like a fish then opted to swim towards Tawana and grabbed her undies.

Tawana screamed, drawing Munya’s attention, but Ricco denied pulling that stunt. The competition resumed and after Ricco’s fifth loss, Munya announced his victory by punching the air and singing “we are the champions”.

Could this competition be the determining factor in deciding who Tawana will share a bed with tonight?

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 26 Loka 2008 19:35
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: BBA: Munyan paluu Afrikan BB-taloon oli täynnä taikaa!

Johanin tavoin asukasvaihdossa ollut Munya palasi kaukaiselta matkaltaan omaan BB-taloonsa. Munyan paluu tapahtui kesken taikurin esityksen, ja sai asukastoverit täysin sekaisin!


Afrikan BB-talossa taikuri Larry Soffer viihdytti asukkaita muun muassa erikoisilla ilmapallotempuilla. Show’n lopuksi hän kiitteli yleisöään, ja lupasi näyttää vielä vihoviimeisen tempun.

– Toivottavasti teillä oli hauskaa ja nautitte esityksestä, taikuri heitti ja aloitti laskemisen viimeistä temppua varten.

Mies piteli kädessään vanteen muotoon aseteltua punaista verhoa, ja kaikkien asukkaiden yllätykseksi verhon sisältä esille pomppasi - kukas muukaan kuin - Munya!

Homoseksuaalit asukkaat hämmensivät

Asukkaat repesivät riemuun ja ryntäsivät halailemaan vierailla mailla käväissyttä asuntoveriaan. Alkuinnostuksen jälkeen mies pääsi kertomaan, mitä oli viimeisen viikon aikana puuhaillut.


Ensitöikseen Munya kertoi, että Afrikan BB-talon asukkaitten tavoin myös suomalaiset asukit olivat voittaneet viikkotehtävänsä. Munya kuitenkin totesi, että erään miespuolisen suomalaisen asukkaan reaktio tehtävän onnistumisen johdosta oli pelästyttänyt hänet perinpohjaisesti.

– Hän nappasi lesbotytön syleilyynsä ja suuteli tätä, Munya heitti hämmästyttäen asuintoverinsa sillä tiedolla, että Suomen BB-talossa voi olla myös homoseksuaaleja asukkaita.

Kuulumisten vaihtoa

Munya kertoi myös sukelluksestaan jääkylmään altaaseen ja nakuilustaan saunassa. Hän piti kuitenkin vielä suunsa supussa intiimeistä hetkistään Cheryllin kanssa.

Zimbabwelainen totesi, että kokemuksena vaihdokkina olo oli ollut varsin haastava, sillä hänen tuli omaksua rooli eräänlaisena Afrikan suurlähettiläänä.

– Pyrin korjaamaan harhaluuloja, kuten se, että Afrikassa kaikki on päin prinkkalaa tai että sambialaiset syövät kärpäsiä, Munya heitti.

Muut asukkaat halusivat pitää myös Munyan ajan tasalla kertoen muun muassa Johanista, nimeämisistä ja taitavasta taikurista, jonka esityksen aikana zimbabwelainen oli palannut.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 26 Loka 2008 20:54
Kirjoittaja foxie
Munya and KB’s Highlights in Finland
Munya and KB have fun in Finland. (Sun 26 Oct; 19:14) ... 7&vid=7382

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 26 Loka 2008 21:36
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: BBA: Munya ei paljastanut sviittiyön tapahtumia!

Munya kertoi muille asukkaille kokemuksistaan Suomen BB-talossa. Hän tunnusti yöpyneensä sviitissä Cheryllin kanssa, mutta jätti paljastamatta suudelleensa vaaleaverikköä!


Ulkona rentoutuvia Afrikan BB-talon asukkaita kiinnosti, mitä Munya oli kaukomatkansa aikana puuhaillut. Suomi-pipon päähänsä laittanut mies kertoikin auliisti matkastaan. Hän myös paljasti, että oli uskonutkin Johanin tulevan parhaiten toimeen Riccon kanssa.

– Suomen BB-talon asukkaat kuvailivat minulle Johanin luonnetta, ja arvasin, että hän löytää Riccosta kaverin, Munya heitti.

Helsinki sijaitsee Ruotsissa?

Seuraavaksi Munya kertoi suomalaisesta naisasukkaasta, joka matkusteli paljon ja tapasi julkkikisia. Nainen oli muun muassa bailannut Ben Affleckin kanssa ja vieraillut Michael Jacksonin Neverland-ranchilla.

– Nyt tuo nainen on nimettynä, Munya totesi viitaten Cherylliin.

Asukkaat alkoivat jutella omista nimeämisistään ja pelleilivät Munyan kustannuksella todeten, että olisivat kaikki nimenneet tämän, jos se olisi ollut mahdollista. Naurunremakan jälkeen Munya kertoi muille saaneensa selville määränpäänsä vain muutamia tunteja ennen koneen laskeutumista Suomeen.


– Luulin, että Helsinki on Ruotsissa. Typerys, Munya naureskeli itselleen.

Munyan mukanaan tuoman Suomi-pipon päähänsä vetäissyt Thami kertoi, että he olivat toivoneet saavansa taloon jonkun kuuman typyn Ruotsista tai Suomesta. Vaihdokkina oli kuitenkin ilmestynyt lumikukkoasuinen Johan.

Yö sviitissä

Munyan seuraava kertomus koski Suomen BB-talon sviittiä. Zimbabwelainen kehui takkaa ja kuvaili yläkerran huonetta muutenkin upeaksi.

– Siellä oli sänky, joka toimi sähköisellä ohjauksella. Tosi tuhmaa, Munya naureskeli.

Muut tiedustelivat heti, oliko mies viettänyt yönsä sviitissä yksin.

– Juu, nukuin siellä yksin, Munya tokaisi ottaen samalla ison kulauksen kupistaan tuijottaen keskittyneesti mukin pohjaa.


– Niin varmaan, muut heittivät heti takaisin ja pelleilivät miehen viettäneen yönsä Kaisa-Reetan kanssa, olihan tämä ollut Munyan mukaan ollut tämän paras ystävä Suomen BB-talossa.

Munya tunnusti lopulta olleensa sviitissä Cheryllin kanssa. Versio yön kulusta poikkesi kuitenkin hieman totuudesta.

– Me vain juttelimme, zimbabwelainen vakuutteli.

Seuraavaksi kehuja saivat suomalaiset juomat, joiden tehosta Munya oli erittäin vakuuttunut. Hän totesi, että pääosin he olivat kuitenkin nautiskelleet vain olutta ja muita mietoja alkoholijuomia.

– Vähän juomaa, ja tytöt olivat heti, että pelataan pullonpyöritystä, Munya matki muuntaen äänensä kimeäksi.

Suomalaiset naiset helppoja?

Myöhemmin asukkaat istuskelivat sisällä. Thami alkoi jälleen kysellä Suomesta.

– Sanoit, että suomalaiset naiset ovat helppoja nakkeja, Thami aloitti.

Munya repesi nauruun, ja Thami väitti kivenkovaan miehen käyttäneen juuri noita sanoja. Munyan vieressä pizzaa rouskuttanut Ricco totesi epäilevänsä, ettei Munya kertonut heille kaikkea visiitistään ja suhteistaan suomalaisiin naisiin.

– En ymmärrä, mistä te puhutte, Munya totesi vaivaantuneena päätään hieroen.

Zimbabwelainen vaihtoi puheenaihetta todeten suomalaisille asukkaille tulleen yllätyksenä, että hän on Afrikasta.

– Helsingissä on kyllä muutamia tummaihoisia, mutta silti, hän totesi.

Uutiset Afrikasta päättyvät tähän. Munya jatkaa taivaltaan omassa BB-talossaan, ja toivotamme hänelle menestystä kilpailussa!

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 26 Loka 2008 23:40
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: Africa Has Judged

Africa's judgement this week was decisive and deadly: TK was evicted by eleven out of thirteen votes.

Ricco, who has proven a very resilient competitor, had only two countries against him: Uganda and TK's own Zambia. TK got the thumbs down from Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Ghana, Angola, Zimbabwe, and he also got the "wild card" vote; the rest of Africa. ... x?vid=7385

Moving right along...

Who's next? How long will Ricco's "nine lives" keep him afloat? Will Thami and Hazel's chaste relationship win them fans? Will Tawana and Munya's "arrangement" buy them time? Where does the philosophical Morris fit in?

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 27 Loka 2008 15:02
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: Munya Reflects

Asked about Cheryl, he explains that there was an attraction 'from the word go'.


Munya is called into the Diary Room to reflect on his Finnish trip. He says that in this Big Brother, the manipulations between the Housemates are more obvious. BBF is more of a mind game and the Housemates are pushed a lot more than here. The alcohol is more abundant and takes away inhibitions.

Highs and Lows
Asked about his highlights, he enjoyed the karaoke, the Christmas dinner, the sauna and the Penthouse. He had a few low points when he found it difficult to communicate with the Housemates, making him feel like he did not belong. He felt pressure to represent Africa as a whole and does not think the Finns will ever forget him, as he left a proud impression.

And the Ladies?
Asked about Cheryl, he explains that there was an attraction “from the word go”. He picked the alpha female as part of his strategy, but he did actually end up liking her. His return has been confusing because he "was in Finland and now [he] is in Africa living with a King”. He thinks Tawana is using him as much as he is using her. He feels endangered but has had so many great moments that he would not be that devastated if he were evicted.

He says people will never forgive him for having sex in the House, but it happened and there is nothing he can do about it. He thanks Africa and Big Brother for all the opportunities.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 27 Loka 2008 19:44
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: Johan Scare

Hazel was hypnotised by his blue eyes.


Ricco and Tawana fill Munya in on some more of the happenings that took place while he was away in Finland. Specifically, they tell Munya that Thami felt threatened by Hazel’s attraction to Johan.

Shifting Up
Lying in the yellow room, the three have a laugh over Johan’s arrival. Ricco and Tawana recall Johan’s entry, when Hazel was hypnotised by his blue eyes. Apparently Thami was as aware of this as the rest and therefore decided to up his mojo, shifting from “first gear to seventh gear”: ... x?vid=7413

Ricco discloses that Johan wanted to have a fling with both girls in the House, but the opportunity never arrived. Tawana says she is not into Johan types, but admits nonetheless that he resembled David Beckham.

Ricco adds that, should he have been the one sent to Finland, he would have completely taken advantage of the ladies there by claiming to be a prince form Angola!

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 27 Loka 2008 23:25
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Morris, Thami ja Hazel nimettyinä. Thami tai Morris ulos! kirjoitti: Nominations: Week 10

Nothing personal.


The Housemates have spoken! This week there are three nominees for Africa to judge: Morris, Thami, and Hazel!


As the Housemates waited, KB recapped the eventful week: with the House now
"half empty or half full, depending on how you look at things," the Housemates are beginning to smell victory.

This week, the Housemates got to know Johan from Big Brother Finland. Exchange student Munya was finally returned on Friday by magician Larry Soffer. Munya and Tawana each came clean about their "extra curricular activities" with Cheryll and Ricco respectively - a confession which in itself made their relationship seem more official than it has come across.

Then they recapped the fateful Eviction Show, when TK was ousted and “bullet proof” Ricco returned to the House for the fifth time.

Ricco pleaded with the heavens for a much-needed reprieve this week, and he got it. The chips fell as follows...

Who's Behind the Nominations?

Munya nominated Hazel, because he thought she would nominate him and he thinks she doesn’t want him in the house, and Thami, because he thinks Thami
is the biggest competition he has in the House.

Hazel nominated Munya and Morris, as usual because she considers them strong players.

Morris nominated Hazel, saying that a couple of days ago she spoke to him in a bad way, and Munya, because "according to the way he spoke" he didn’t represent Africa very well in Finland.

Thami nominated Ricco, because he was personally offended by a comment he passed last night which he felt insulted Mr. Fondom, and Morris again, for the same reason as last week: he hasn't been up yet. ... x?vid=7459

Ricco nominated Thami, because they’re not that close. "Nothing personal," he said. He also nominated Hazel, for the same reason, and because "nominating Tawana wouldn’t change anything."

Tawana nominated Thami. "His unpredictability scares me," she said, citing his pranks as examples. She next nominated Morris: "there are times when I feel I do not trust him," she said.

That left Morris, Hazel and Thami with three votes each...

Tawana’s Decision

...and once again the Head of House, in her wisdom, decided to leave it to Africa to judge the nominees. ... x?vid=7460

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 28 Loka 2008 01:29
Kirjoittaja magpie
Morrisille laitoin jo muutamia häätöääniä menemään noista kolmesta. Thamin ja Hazelin välillä olisi ollut jo vaikeampi päätös. Luultavasti olisin kuitenkin antanut miinusääniä Thamille. Hazel on vaan niin sympaattinen kullanmuru. :in love:

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2008 16:09
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Tawana on jälleen HoH. kirjoitti: Tawana is Head of House Again!

In the practice rounds, Hazel emerged as a strong contender, as did Thami.


Earlier today, Ricco said grimly that he would surely set a record for most-nominated Housemate ever. Now Tawana appears to be heading for another record - she has just won her fourth Head of House challenge, and her third one in a row! ... x?vid=7755

This week's Head of House task was a test of skill at the game of darts. The Housemates were allowed a few practice rounds, but once the task proper started, each Housemate was judged on only one turn.

Hazel warned that she has a dartboard at home, and in her practice round she proves she can play the game as well as talk the game. "You don't know me from Adam," she said.

In the practice rounds, Hazel emerged as a strong contender, as did Thami. Tawana was a disaster. When the competition started however, she closed her eyes, spread her arms, and channeled her inner marksman. ... x?vid=7759

Although the Housemates were slightly confused about the scoring system, they did name the correct winner. The final scores as tallied by Big Brother were as follows: Thami got 10, Morris 10, Hazel 15, Ricco got 2, Munya 7 and Tawana scored 16!

Big Brother congratulated Tawana and told her that the dartboard was theirs to enjoy for a while.

Round Three

For some, Tawana's victory is not a welcome development. Thami, who has been very critical of her leadership style, will now have to make a decision. Should he make peace in order to stay out of danger come nominations, or stick to his guns and fight the power? It will be interesting to see how Tawana's third term in a row affects her popularity in and outside the House.

To pass the time, Morris, Thami and Ricco start a game of darts.
Nomination pressure seems to be getting to Hazel: she is unusually touchy today. "How come when I asked to play you didn't accept me? she challenged Ricco.
Ricco said that he had misheard her. "I thought you asked for a pen," he said.

Re: Big Brother Afrikka 2008

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2008 19:20
Kirjoittaja Spencer kirjoitti: Getting to Know You

The secret behind the spellbinding nyash!

Kuva Kuva

The Pool Girl has been an integral part of the happenings in the Big Brother House, providing the male Housemates with something else to look at besides the “scarecrows” and “Rasputias” they are confined with.

A Closer Look
Tebz decided to call her up for a one on one to find out how her experience has been. Answering some forumites’ questions she reveals her taste in men, her choice of bikini wear and the secret behind the spellbinding nyash!

Looking back from she was first received up until now, the Pool Girl says she has learnt a lot about people and their opinions. Overcoming the cattiness from the girls and the harassment from the men has been a highly commendable accomplishment. She shares that her professionalism was under threat many a time when she wanted to corpse. Well done Pool Girl! ... x?vid=7785