Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Keskustelua asukasvaihdosta / Discussion in English about the housemate swap.
BB-talon ylijumala
Viestit: 4605
Liittynyt: 28 Elo 2007 15:32

Re: Asukasvaihto

Viesti Kirjoittaja mrj » 01 Marras 2009 19:48

nyt näkyy streami taas, mutta molemmat näyttää House B:tä ...
JuHu - :drink55:

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 02 Marras 2009 01:35

Asukkaat toivottavat Kätlinin tervetulleeksi:

PBB 2009 - Pool Party Part 1:

PBB 2009 - Pool Party Part 2: ... r_embedded
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 12204
Liittynyt: 25 Heinä 2007 16:44

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja [juuso] » 02 Marras 2009 12:10

Ehkä paras striimi: ... tream.html

Ovat saaneet soittimia. Viikkotehtävä? Kätlin suoristelee hiuksiaan ja heittää läppää olkkarissa.

Viestit: 478
Liittynyt: 13 Syys 2008 13:22

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Tomi- » 02 Marras 2009 12:14

[juuso] kirjoitti:Ehkä paras striimi: ... tream.html

Ovat saaneet soittimia. Viikkotehtävä? Kätlin suoristelee hiuksiaan ja heittää läppää olkkarissa.

Molemmat talot luovat tanssi?-esityksen, Kätlin joutuu opettelmaan/laulamaan jonku noiden laulun joka soi tänä aamuna herätyksenä yhden mies asukkaan kanssa molemmista taloista. Sen jälkeen Kätlin arvostelee kumman talon esitys oli parempi ja näin päättää viikkotehtävän voittajan.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 12204
Liittynyt: 25 Heinä 2007 16:44

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja [juuso] » 02 Marras 2009 12:18

Kätlin harjoittelee juuri laulua taustalla, mutta muut kälättävät olkkarissa päälle. Nyt kuulivat ja huutelivat heti "Don't stop". Kätlin kikatteli, kun sanoissa oli "pa pa para". Kätlin haluaa oppia ensin lausumaan sanat oikein. Onko tuo nyt sitten Tom kuka opettaa.

13:04 Harjoittelu jatkuu. Kätlin on saanut jonkun kuningattaren asun. Pääsivät paikalliseen varastohuoneeseen ja helmaakin oikein kannettiin. Kuningatar sai ottaa mitä vaan. Kätlin kikattelee kovasti.

13:07 Kätlin katselee innoissaan saatuja hedelmiä ja vihanneksia ja kyselee lisätietoja.

13:11 Sitten taas harjoittelemaan. Kätlin kertoi, että suomessa ng-äänne on hänelle tosi vaikea.

13:14 Muut kuuntelivat laulun läpi. Kätlin kommentoi, että on aika vaikeaa. Sai paljon kannustusta, että meni tosi hyvin ja on kuin filippiiniläinen.

13:19 Kätlin yrittää opetella kikatellen vaikeaa kohtaa.
Tom: There's so many ng. "Hanganglingbingang"
Kätlin: Hanngkankgliiinngbinkgank hihihii! Oh there's so hot.
Joku laulaa: So take off all your clothes...

13:21 Kätlin ravisteli asustettaan ja kommentoi kuumuutta: It's like in sauna. I'm back in Finland!

13:26 Taas ng:n kanssa "onkelmia". Kätlin kertoi, että "kenkät" sanotaan suomeksi hänen mielestään tosi oudosti "kennggät". Tom oppi nyt myös vähän suomea.

13:46 Kätlin sai käsihierontaa palvelijaltaan (joku naisista). Rob on toinen palvelija. Kätlin kiitteli kovasti, että tuntuu tosi hyvältä. Sitten siirtyivät hieromaan hartioita olkkariin. Rob puhdisti ilmaa kuningattaren edessä ja naispalvelija kantoi helmaa. Kätlin kikatteli vaan. Sanoi muillekin, ettei pysty oikein olemaan nauramatta. Kysyivät missä kuningas on.
Kätlin: Somewhere. You have to find out.
Rob kävi huutamassa kuningasta paikalle ja Hermes tuli. Hermas haki jogurttia tms. ja alkoi syöttämään kuningatarta, kun hierottiin samalla. Kätlin kysyi tykkääkö muut Frendeistä. Kätlinin mielestä tosi hauska. Hermes ei ole katsonut hirveästi, mutta on ihan hyvä. Joku tykkäsi myös tosi paljon. Kätlin sai lopuksi päähierontaa. Hermes yritti laittaa kruunua takaisin, mutta ei onnistunut. Naispalvelija sanoi, että hän voi laittaa. Kuningas yritti tehdä reiän kuningattaren päähän ja se heitto sai porukan nauramaan kunnolla. Pukivat kuningattaren viitan takaisin ja siirtyivät keittiöön. Käsihieronta ja laulun harjoittelu jatkuu.

13:53 Rob huomasi Kätlinin kädessä sen mystisen patin. Kätlin kertoi, ettei tiedä mikä se on. Ilmestyi vaan kesällä. Robin mielestä kannattaisi mennä näyttämään lääkärille.

13:57 Kätlinin hierominen jatkuu keittiössä. Naispalvelija on siis Mariel. Kätlin sanoi, että alkaa kikattamaan aina, kun joku hieroo jalasta. Hermeskin tuli hieromaan hartioita. Rob kysyi onko Kätlinillä kaikki ok.
Kätlin: I'm better than ok.

Viestit: 1124
Liittynyt: 23 Elo 2008 19:40

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Sathel » 02 Marras 2009 13:54

Melko hyvin tuo Kätlinin ja Tomin tagaloginkielinen duetto sujuu ottaen huomioon, että sanoja on melko paljon eikä opetusaika ollut kovinkaan pitkä :tu

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 12204
Liittynyt: 25 Heinä 2007 16:44

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja [juuso] » 02 Marras 2009 14:03

Kätlin lauleskeli MJ:n Earth songia hierontaa saadessaan. Sitten siirtyivät hierontajakkaralta "kampaamoon". Kätlin näytti Robille suoristusrautaa. Rob ihmetteli eikö se oli vaarallista, kun on niin kuuma. Kätlin muisti, että tarvitsee vielä hiussprayn. Oli lähdössä hakemaan itse, mutta Mariel sanoi hakevansa. Kätlin alkoi kertomaan millainen se on ja Rob totesi heti, että se on valkoinen purkki. Kätlin nauroi, että miten Rob muistaa sellaisenkin. Alkoivat tekemään Kätlinille kampausta. Rob pitelee hiuksia ja Mariel pyörittää suoristusraudan läpi. Kätlinillä on hauskaa.
Rob: Interesting...

14:06 Kätlin ja Rob puhuvat Frendeistä. Joey on tosi hauska. Rob kysyi katsooko Kätlin aina ja onko se suomeksi. Kätlin kertoi, että puhe on ihan normaalisti englantia ja tekstitys on suomeksi. Kätlinin kaveri on ostanut koko DVD-kokoelman. Keskustelu aiheesta jatkuu. Kätlin kertoo kikatellen suosikkijaksoistaan.

14:17 Sujuva juttelu jatkuu. Frendit saatu käsiteltyä. Kätlin kertoi samannimisestä ystävästään. On tosi kaunis jne.

14:20 Kätlin muistelee laulun sanoja ja kysyy mitä ne tarkoittaa. Mabuhay tarkoittaa pitkää ikää. Kätlin huusi muille keittiöön.

Kampaus valmis. Kätlin kiitteli todella paljon. Muut kehvat kauniiksi. Etenkin Hermes.

14:30 Kaikki olkkarissa juttelemassa. Kätlin lähinnä kuuntelee, kun muut kertovat taukoamattomalla selityksellä kaikkea.

15:21 Kätlin ja Mariel kävivät makkarissa laittamassa kuningattaren asun paremmin. Ruokailu alkoi rukouksella. Kätlin teki vielä ristin loppuun.

15:42 Ruokailu ohi. Kätlin kertoo slummi ja paratiisi jaosta. Tehtävät, "rankaistukset" slummiin jne.

16:55 Kätlin lepäilee sohvalla. Pää on Hermeksen sylissä. Hermes silittelee välillä. Rob soittaa kitaraa vastapäätä.

17:11 Kaikki olkkarissa. Joku nyppi kainaloitaan ja keskusteltiin vähän sheivauksesta. Sitten päästiin taas Frendeihin. Kätlinin suosikki on ehdottomasti Joey, koska se on niin hauska. Ei tarvitse edes sanoa mitään, kun alkaa naurattamaan pelkkä näkeminenkin. Kätlin kertoi, ettei halua nukkua päivisin. Vaikka olisikin väsynyt, niin pysyttelee hereillä ja nukkuu vasta yöllä. Tavallaan nukkuu elämästä pois, jos nukkuu päivällä. Tekevät ilmeisesti kauppalistaa. Ainakin joku kirjoittaa isolle taululle.

17:27 Kätlin opettaa muille leijumistempun. Siis sen missä nostetaan sormilla.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 12204
Liittynyt: 25 Heinä 2007 16:44

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja [juuso] » 02 Marras 2009 20:21

Kätlin ja Tom esittivät äsken koko päivän harjoitellun laulun. Meni tosi hienosti kaikkien mielestä. Nyt maistelevat jotain ruokia. Ihan kuin olisi etanoita tai vastaavia. Juttua ja naurua riittää.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 03 Marras 2009 02:49 kirjoitti:Kätlin is up for a fiesta


House A heartily welcomes their new housemate, Kätlin; and in line with the said celebration, Big Brother gives them sumptuous Filipino dishes to munch on. After dinner, they all proceed to the pool area for a rather cozy luau party, which the envious housemates from House B couldn’t help but over hear.

Since alcoholic drinks freely overflow all through out their bash, Rob and Marielle end up getting extremely drunk; and with the two intoxicated housemates getting pretty uncontrollable, some House A housemate couldn’t help but feel a little irritated up until they have all gone to bed to call the night off.


Speaking of beds, Cathy comes across with a rather shocking revelation. To her surprise, she discovers that Big Brother Finland only has one huge bed to share with everyone in the house. Upon learning this, she openly explains how Pinoy Big Brother House actually separates girls’ bedroom from boys’—a quite intriguing revelation for all the Finnish housemates, most especially for her new admirer, Aso.

Given the cultural barrier, and the extremely different arrangement, how could Cathy possibly keep up with her new set of housemates?
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 12204
Liittynyt: 25 Heinä 2007 16:44

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja [juuso] » 03 Marras 2009 10:49

Kätlin on nyt sitten siirtynyt B-taloon. Ilmeisesti rullaluistelevat silmät sidottuina. Striimit temppuilee taas ja kaiken lisäksi taitaa tulla kuvaa vain seinästä tällä hetkellä. :keineahnung:

11:07 Näköjään tytöt vs. pojat kilpailu. Hakivat ensin vuorotellen paloja palapeliin rullaluistimilla radan päästä ja nyt kasaavat sitä. Suomen lippu ja sen alla "Finland".

11:09 Aijai Ason pitäisi olla nyt näkemässä, kun Kätlin rakentaa palapeliä kuuluisassa kissa-asennossa ja lyhyet rullaluisteluhousut jalassa. :D

11:23 Pojat voittivat. Varusteet jätettiin radalle ja sitten silmät sidottuina pihalle. :?:

11:28 BB kuulutti, että pitää "jäätyä" ja olivat hetken juuri siinä asennossa. Liinat sai ottaa silmiltä hitaasti ja sitten sisätiloihin.

Kätlin on nykyään siis B-talossa. Korjattu oikeaksi. Virallisilla sivuilla väärinpäin.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 12204
Liittynyt: 25 Heinä 2007 16:44

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja [juuso] » 03 Marras 2009 17:33

Kätlin opetti tänään tanssia muille. Suomessakin suuret aplodit saanut "mato" innostutti kaikkia. Lisäksi leikkivät äsken pihalla vähän kuin naruhyppelyä, mutta kahden kepin kanssa. Nyt ovat siirtyneet jo makkarin puolelle. Kätlin järjesteli vähän tavaroitaan ja hyppäsi sängylle. Iltapalaksi jogurttia ja sipsejä. Kätlin kutsui muut Suomeen sitten joskus BB:n jälkeen. Aina voi tulla ja varmasti pitävät yhteyttä muutenkin. Kovasti höpöttelevät ja nauravat. Tunnelma on tosi rento. Kätlin vaikuttaisi viihtyvän paremmin B-talossa.


Ja sitten siirtyivätkin olkkarin puolelle juttelemaan. Kätlin kertoo isosta ötökkäpelostaan. Hämähäkit pahimpia.

17:40 Kätlin huomasi jonkun kädessä arven. Kaatui moottoripyörällä, jos kuulin oikein. Kätlin näytti arpeaan kyljessä ja selitti, että siitä leikattiin kasvain, kun oli vielä ihan pieni tyttö.

18:20 Kätlin kohtaa suurimman pelkonsa. Asukkailla on joku lasten peli missä hämähäkit "taistelevat". Kätlin kertoi, että pelkää perhosiakin ja ei pysty osallistumaan siihen. Muut tsemppasivat, että kyllä Kätlin pystyy. Kätlin selitti, ettei se ole niin yksinkertaista kuin muut selittävät. Pelkää ihan kauheasti. Tarvitsee oman aikansa ja muut sanoivat, että ottaa ihan rauhassa sen. Kätlin pyysi jo etukäteen anteeksi, että kiljuu sitten kauheasti, jos sitä aletaan pelaamaan. Muut alkoivat näyttämään ja selittämään ideaa. Kätlin meni shokkiin ja pieni itkukin pääsi kauhusta. BB otti yhteyttä ja selitti, että se on hauska lasten peli. "That's not funny!" Kätlin toisteli, ettei pysty siihen. Tietää sen jo. Ei pysty edes katsomaan. "No no no no!" Kätlin saa katsoa ensin muiden pelailua. Pari kierrosta on mennyt ja nyt sanoi, että pystyy jo katsomaan melko rauhallisesti. Eiköhän kohta "pääse" pelaamaan.

18:26 Peli jatkuu. Kätlin oli jo hetken katselemassa vähän lähempää, mutta sitten perääntyi kauhuissaan sohvalle. Kyseli muilta voiko ne purra ihmista. Koska siitä syystä pelkää niin kovasti. Muut epäilivät, ettei ne pure. BB otti taas yhteyttä ja rupetteli Kätlinin kanssa. Kuka voittaa jne.

18:48 Kätlin kokeili jonkun toisen avustuksella laittaa hämähäkkiä "areenalle". Tärisevin käsin piti toisen kädestä kiinni ja laittoivat yhdessä. Kätlin lähti heti karkuun. Piti tulla laittamaan uudestaan, kun hämähäkki lähti karkuun. Kätlin sai laitettua ja tuuletti sen jälkeen, kun onnistui voittamaan pelkonsa. Mutta teki selväksi, ettei enää ole laittamassa. Varsinkaan yksin. Sitten taas kauemmas seuraamaan. Juuri se hämähäkki sattui syömään vastustajansa. Peli loppui ja Kätlin ei halunnut ehdotuksista huolimatta laittaa hämähäkkiä "areenalle". Kätlinille riitti hämähäkkien katselu laatikossa. Muut vähän kiusasivat vielä, että laittaa muka hämähäkin päälle jne.

BB kuulutti, että tehtävä on päättynyt ja varastossa palkinto. Bileet. Vodkaa taisi olla taas ja syötävää. Tytöt lähtivät vaihtamaan bikinejä. Kyselivät Kätliniltä fiiliksiä pelistä. Kätlin kertoi miten pelkäsi alussa hirveästi, mutta sitten pystyi katsomaan jotenkin. Se oli tosi vaikeaa, koska kyseessä oli isoin pelko.

19:40 Starttaillaan bileitä. Kätlin kertoi joillekin pöydässä, ettei yleensä polta. Joskus kyllä esim. juhliessa yhden. Seuraavaksi puhuttiin viineistä. Kätlin tykkää puna- ja valkoviinistä. Blue Nun on suosikki. Kätlin haluaa kotiin viinikokoelman joskus tulevaisuudessa, kun on perhe. Kätlin kertoili Suomen BB:n bileistä. Yleensä pitää voittaa joku kilpailu. Saavat sitten kaljaa, siideriä, lonkeroa ja ehkä viiniäkin. Mutta BB ei anna liian paljon. Samalla pääsevät myös saunaan ja porealtaaseen. Kätlin on paljon puheliaampi kuin A-talossa. Nyt puhuvat mitä kaikkia eläimiä syödään. Suomessa ja Virossa ei mitään erikoista. Suomessa vielä vähemmän. Kätlin kyseli muiden mielipidettä Finlandia Vodkaan ja kovasti vakuuttelivat tykkäävänsä.

19:52 Sujuva rupattelu jatkuu. Kätlin kertoi, että menee baariin vaan tanssimaan. Ei hae ikinä seuraa tai mene vetämään kännejä. Jos joku ihan kiva tulee iskemään, niin pyytää numeron ja soittaa myöhemmin. Ei anna edes omaa numeroa. Ihmiset on niin erilaisia kännissä. Kätlin haluaa tavata vaikka kahvilla sitten.

19:54 Kätlin kertoo ylpeänä, kun voitti sen 10 minuutin arvioinnin. Muut hämmästelivät tarkkaa aikaa. Kätlin kertoo myös palkinnosta.

19:58 Selvisi sitten myös, että Kätlin sai valita PK:ssa tarjoilut sviittiin. Kätlin iloitsee vieläkin, että se oli ensimmäinen yksilökilpailu minkä voitti. Ja oli vielä slummissa. Ihan kuin olisi päässyt hotelliin. Yleensä slummissa on vain ryhmäkilpailuja.

20:09 Kätlin kertoi olevansa tosi ylpeä, että pääsi asukasvaihtoon. Yllättyi, että BB valitsi juuri hänet. Kätlin ei matkustele paljon. Muut kyselivät, että eikö suomalaiset matkustele paljon. Kätlin kertoi, että matkustelee, mutta itsellä ei ole rahaa ja aikaa. Pitää olla töissä ja muitakin hommia.

Kätlin alkoi kertomaan tarkemmin lähdöstä. BB herätti tosi aikaisin ja oli paha krapula edellisen illan juhlien jälkeen. BB kyseli paljon kaikkea miten nukkui ja sellaista. Sitten sai tietää lähtevänsä Filippiineillä. Toisteli koko ajan vaan "Oh my God". BB kysyi seuraavaksi missä Filippiinit Kätlinin mielestä on. Kätlin kikatteli, että jossain kylmässä. Islannin ja Grönlannin lähellä. Seuraavaksi kysyttiin mitä eläimiä siellä on. Kätlin vastasi hämmentyneenä jääkarhun. Asukkaitakin ehkä pari miljoonaa. Ei rehellisesti sanottuna tiennyt mitään Filippiineistä. Oli jo pakkaamassa talvivaatteita mukaan, kun BB kertoi, ettei Filippiineillä tarvitse sellaisia. Filippiinit on Australian lähellä.

Kätlin on tosi onnellinen, että on Filippiineillä. Nauttii paljon siitä. Muut ilahtuivat ja kertoivat, että heillä on samat fiilikset. Kätlin on niin iloinen. "Once in a lifetime." Filippiiniläiset ovat tosi mukavia ja iloisia.

Naureskelivat hetken taas koira-Asolle. Sitten Kätlin alkoi kertomaan perheestään. Äiti on aika nuori, isoveli, pikkusisko 18-vuotias. Biologinen isä on paha ihminen. He eivät puhu siitä ikinä. Sai tietää vasta 14-vuotiaana, ettei isä ollutkaan biologinen isä.

Hyvin tulee juttua. :cheers

Edit. Lisäilyä. Ja Aso tarkoittaa tagalogiksi koiraa.

Kätlin on nykyään siis B-talossa. Korjattu oikeaksi. Virallisilla sivuilla väärinpäin.

Viestit: 3821
Liittynyt: 15 Elo 2009 22:49

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Scherzy » 03 Marras 2009 20:10

^ Siis tarkoittaako Aso koiraa filippiineissä?

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 12204
Liittynyt: 25 Heinä 2007 16:44

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja [juuso] » 03 Marras 2009 20:15

Kätlinillä näköjään pinkki nimikkokylpytakki. Kätlin kertoi, ettei halua juoda liikaa. Juo kyllä, mutta ei liikaa. Ei halua herätä aamulla pahaan oloon ja päänsärkyyn. Muut haluavat, että Kätlin opettaa tanssimaan. Kätlin ei oikein tiennyt ensin, mutta lupasi sitten opettaa jotain. Mutta ensin on pakko käydä vessassa.

20:18 Muilla oli ensin esitys Kätlinille. Kolme tyyppiä esitti Kätliniä. Tanssivat vähän ja huusivat "Moimoimoi! Hihihi!" Sitten Kätlin alkaa opettamaan.

20:24 Kätlin kertoi, että opettaa samaa koreografiaa 8-12 -vuotiaille tytöille. Muut sanoivat, että on aika vaikea ja kysyivät eikö lapset ikinä valita samaa tai edes kuumuutta. Kätlin kehui, että lapset oppivat tosi nopeasti ja tanssivat hyvin.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 03 Marras 2009 21:47 kirjoitti:Kätlin learned the Pandango, while the others prepare a harana


Kätlin, the newest addition to this season’s housemates, has been treated to a cultural sampling of sorts: fiesta food, traditional dances, and the legendary Pinoy hospitality, among others. Today, she hopped over to House B and was taught how to dance the Pandango sa Ilaw, a folk dance that shows the fusion of Filipino and Spanish traditions. Kätlin was a fast learner, and was quick to follow Melai’s instructions. Melai, with her colorful descriptions in creative English, was able to give Kätlin a good picture of the various steps. Rica also helped out by keeping count and calling out reminders. Johan was Kätlin’s partner, and the two spinned around smoothly. Delio was eager to put his two cents ink, as always. This time, though, he stepped aside after having said his piece and opened the floor for others’ input. “Sa inyo namang suggestion, ako ang susunod,” he said.


Back at House A, the housemates were busy planning the steps to the folk dances assigned to them. They had to show Kätlin the Tinikling and the Cariñosa, and the girls were racking their brains to think of different dance steps to make each have a distinct flavor. The boys were also busy as they twiddled with the guitar strings, figuring out how to deliver the romantic harana.

Something to watch out for in PBB Double Up Primetime is Kuya’s reprimand of Rob’s inappropriate actions during the party, where the housemate got more than a little drunk. The housemates had time today to speak with Rob, and expressed their own view of his actions. Yuri explained that she understood his western ways, but that was not the way in the Philippines. Despite her exposure to liberal parties, she was still unsure of how to deal with Rob. They have not been together long enough, after all, and in such a state, nothing can really be assumed. Rob believed that his actions were not cause for such big concern. “I was only tipsy, you know,” he explained. “I won’t go overboard. For me, that’s normal lang.” Kath reminded him that it was okay to party and have fun, but that he should be careful. Yuri defended Kuya, explaining that his was a precautionary measure, and that they should remember that their actions may be viewed by children.

Watch Rob’s one-on-one with Kuya and the video footage of the party tonight on PBB Double UP Primetime, right after Dahil May Isang Ikaw. See how Kätlin reacted to her first balut experience and find out what Delio said that had Melai walking out in tears. kirjoitti:A Kundiman and a Meloy-Josephine love story


Kätlin had stuff to teach the housemates, too! In her stay with the housemates of House B, she taught them how to rollerblade, a skill they needed for today’s activity. Named the “Roller Blades Relay Challenge”, the task for each group was to roller blade to the other side of the room to retrieve puzzle pieces to form the flag of Finland. The house was divided into two, boys vs. girls. The catch was, each team only had one pair of roller blades among them. To even out the housemates, Tibo played referee, complete with a whistle. The girls, with the exception of Kätlin, were all newbies at the sport and had their hands full with simply keeping themselves from falling. Delio and Paul Jake proved to be quite nimble on their feet, assuring the boys a sure win.

The tasks continue, as Kuya seemed to be amused with the swapping theme. Tom had a quick transformation, donning a long wig and pink bathrobe. Grinning and with arms outstretched, he walked over to Rob and pretended to pepper him with kisses, with Rob squirming and shouting. The Melason tandem also had an amusing switch, cross-dressing to play the other. Jason became Josephine and Melay turned into Meloy. Meloy’s task was to court Josephine, well enough to make the latter say “yes”. Not content with being offered a white flower, the sneaky Josephine had Meloy running back and forth, doing push-ups, and performing a macho dance before accepting Meloy’s love.


Kätlin had her own partner in Tom, who matched her melodic voice with his deep timbre in a duet of the kundiman “Maalaala Mo Kaya”. Tom coached her through it, and the pair later performed the piece in front of the other housemates. Dance practices, meet-and-greets, and exotic food sampling are just some of the activities lined up for Kätlin. How’s Cathy doing in BB Finland? Find out for yourself by eavesdropping on Cathy’s full confessions! Just follow pbbsecretary on Twitter to find out exactly when and where her videos will be uploaded.

Polls are still wide open for your votes! Save JASON, DELIO, PATRICK, TOM or MARIELLE! Text BB and send it to 2331 for Globe, TM, Sun Cellular and Bayan Wireless Landline or 231 for Smart and Talk n Text subscribers. Online votes are also counted, if you log on to

Stay tuned tonight as Kätlin eats her first balut, Rob sees himself drunk, and Melai walks out on the group in tears. All these on PBB Double Up Primetime, right after Dahil May Isang Ikaw! kirjoitti:Delio and Melissa engage in a heated dispute


In line with Kätlin’s short stay in the Philippines, Big Brother dares her to get a taste of some of the country’s best exotic food, particularly frogs, crickets, snails and the truly delectable balot (boiled duck egg). At first, she is truly enticed by the taste of the said delicacies prepared before her, but upon catching sight of the sisiw (premature duckling) inside the balot, she ends up shrieking with surprise.

While House A housemates indulge themselves with sumptuous meals, House B housemates, on the other hand, get a little off hand with their lack of it. Surprisingly, some of them are still concerned with their unlikely loss during the previous weekly task. Incidentally, Delio carries a slight burden of guilt for the said defeat. He claims that he had actually failed to do his best on the said activity; so in order to lighten his load, he tries confronting all his housemates regarding the matter.

Unfortunately, the said friendly conversation ends up raising a rather heated dispute, particularly between Delio and Melissa. Due to Delio’s irrational thoughts and insistent accusations, Melissa couldn’t help but somehow flare up; and the argument continues, up until Delio has finally raised the threat of claiming a voluntary exit.


In tears, Melissa walks out of the unwanted conversation to once and for all calm her nerves. For necessary comfort, Rica and Carol immediately go after her. On the other hand, Jason goes for a different approach on Delio. Instead of providing comfort, he tries talking the lad out of his misery. After convincing the lad to get back on his senses, Delio finally stands up on his feet to once and for all settle all his misunderstandings with Melissa.

Is this really the end of their quarrel, or is this a possible start of a bigger dispute on the upcoming days? Find out by staying tuned on the latest updates of Pinoy Big Brother Double Up.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 04 Marras 2009 23:09 kirjoitti:Kätlin moves to House B


Big Brother transfers Kätlin to House B; and in line with her friendly visit to the neighboring home, she personally cooks her favorite Finnish dish called “plov” for her new hosts to indulge in. And since the main component of the said dish is rice and meat, her new housemates truly enjoyed the delectable meal she prepared.

Aside from their visitor’s unexpected arrival, another unforeseen event took place in House B. Incidentally, their supposed practice for the cultural presentation tomorrow turned out to be the trigger of another dispute inside their household. Yet again, Delio lost his temper after some housemate fell short on following their dance steps. While he took the initiative to lead their flock, he couldn’t help but notice some members smirking with dismay, so finally he gave out a sarcastic comment before actually deciding to silently walk out of the scene.


With another misunderstanding at large, could House B housemates redeem themselves from their loss the previous week with their assigned cultural presentation for tomorrow? Stay tuned on Pinoy Big Brother Double Up to find out.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Marras 2009 01:47 kirjoitti:Patria gets a makeover from Kätlin


Kätlin was sent back to House A, where she was able to practice her duet with Tom. The two had to sing in harmony as they render the classic kundiman, “Maalaala Mo Kaya” during their program. Tom proved to be a very patient teacher, making sure that their Finnish housemate not only got the words and tune right, but had an idea of the meaning behind the song. As Filipino songs are primarily moved by rich emotion, Tom’s strategy worked well and allowed Kätlin to sing with gusto. Tom was quite particular and appeared to be a strict instructor. He was quick to point out differences in tune and timing, though he did not tire of repeating the song to ensure a smooth delivery. By the time they gave their initial performance, even the other housemates were amazed at how Kätlin’s high voice melded well with Tom’s deep one. Before long, all the housemates were singing along with them.

It was during this impromptu group practice that Kätlin became interested in Patria’s hair. Her own being silky smooth and straight, especially with her extensive hair regimen, she took it upon herself to inspire the same from her housemate. In the beginning, the other girls were quite skeptical, warning Patria that her hair would end up kinky when the straightness wears off and suggested spiral curls instead. The boys were all for the hair straightening, being admirers of straight hair. When Kätlin was done with her project, though, even the other girls had to agree that Patria looked better with her sleek and straight hairstyle. Patria faced herself in the mirror and admired the change, and teased Hermes about composing a song for the moment. Kätlin takes the transformation a step further, opening her make-up kit and applying mascara on the willing Patria.


Kätlin seems to be getting along perfectly with all housemates. Indeed, she has been treated with utmost hospitality, to the point of twisting their tongues to be able to explain themselves in broken English. Would good relations with the others continue or is a big issue brewing in the background? How will her too-close friendship with Hermes go? kirjoitti:Carol’s revelation and Kätlin’s Pinoy side


Mariel was joined by Big Brother Finland producer Sammy, who was a local celebrity himself. He revealed that Kätlin had been nominated four times during the start of the season, her nice nature seen as a threat by the others. He also shared that hugging and being really friendly was natural to the Finnish housemate, and should not be misconstrued as flirting or leading someone on. He was, of course, referring to the too-close relationship of Kätlin and Hermes, whom people were already tagging as a possible couple.

Hermes, whom Carol earlier told off for being a flirt, was actually the object of the latter’s affections. While massaging Johan’s hand, Carol revealed that she liked Hermes. Still, she maintained that she was conservative, and would not want to admit her feelings before he did. She showed frustration, though, as she exclaimed, “Manhid ba siya? Bingi? Bulag?” She jokingly requests Kuya to show her revelation to Hermes. Meanwhile, Hermes was busy with spending time with Kätlin, lounging by the pool.

Kätlin was recipient of all-out Filipino hospitality from both households. House A was her chosen host house, and with them, she enjoyed her fiesta-like pool party. Unfortunately, things got a little out of hand as alcohol took over the better senses of Rob and Marielle. After Kuya expressed his disappointment at their inappropriate acts, the two offer to be Kätlin’s servants, waiting on her hand and foot. The others took pleasure in introducing the various vegetables to their Finnish housemate, but was at a loss to find the proper English translation of veggies such as ampalaya and pechay.


Kätlin surprised the housemates of neighboring House B when she showed up early in the morning. She was nevertheless welcomed eagerly by Carol, then toured around by Melai. Despite her difficulty with the English language, Melai was first to exert effort in explaining things to Kätlin. She even attempted to share her love story to her, and surprisingly was able to get her message across.

She was able to take part in several cultural presentations, with the help of both houses. With the week coming to its end, the housemates were hard at work in finalizing their respective programs. Kuya gave them ample time to have a general run-through of their entire program, complete with music, props and spiels. Both team worked around the Filipiniana theme, though they approached it through different angles. House B had several games, such as the sack race and the egg game, both with Kätlin in the winning team. . Kätlin also took part in House A’s food planning, surprisingly putting her own two cents by saying that “manok” was a good choice. There must be a bit more Pinoy in her than you think!

Catch more of Kätlin-Hermes moments as well as the effect of alcohol on Delio. Eavesdrop on Melai's exchange with Big Brother Finland. kirjoitti:Delio gets drunk


In order to make the House B housemates’ welcome party for Kätlin a little more special, Big Brother gives them a chance to prepare a cozy Jacuzzi party. And in line with the said occasion, he generously provides them with bottles of vodka and tuba, together with some of our country’s popular street food.

In the midst of their small get-together, Delio ends up having a little more than he can drink. After their party, He suddenly decides to pack all his things and head towards the door. He keeps on insisting that he wants to go home right then and there. Fortunately, Paul Jake is there to stop the emotional guy, and talk him out of the abrupt decision he could probably regret in the future.


The following morning, Big Brother summons Delio in the confession room to talk about his sentiments; but the man refuses to speak. He simply tells Big Brother that the alcohol could have triggered his great longing to see his family, thus leading to such an irrational action.

On the other hand, Kätlin is finally sent back to House A that same morning. Upon her arrival in her original foster home, she couldn’t help but demonstrate her longing to see her most favored housemate, Hermes and to everyone’s shock, the lad seems to be pretty receptive of the said actions. Is this just a mere display of warm friendship, or is it a start of something a little notch higher than that? If it is the latter, then how could Carol possibly take this said condition? Stay tuned on the latest updates of Pinoy Big Brother Double Up to find out.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Marras 2009 21:10 kirjoitti:Kätlin leaves a stuffed dog and memories of sweet kisses with Hermes


Early this morning, Kätlin finally said goodbye to her temporary housemates as she headed back to her homeland. The housemates stayed up all night to be with her and were on hand to send her off. In the short time she has stayed with them, Kätlin has shared quite a number of memories with the PBB housemates, with one in particular.

Hermes has been tagged as the resident flirt, and the way he related with Kätlin did not really come as a surprise. On Kätlin’s end, the BBF producer himself shared that she was also naturally sweet and charming. Something special seemed to click between the two, though, that was unlike the relationships they formed with the rest of the group. They shared a kiss last night, which was followed by several more this morning. Kätlin also left Hermes her stuffed toy to remind him of her. Hermes promised her that he would take good care of it and would show it to her when they meet again.


Upon waking up, Hermes still could not get the thought of Kätlin off his mind. He seemed melancholy enough to raise the concern of his housemates. Marielle prodded him about his feelings towards the Finnish housemate, and Hermes admitted that his attraction was such that he wanted to get to know her on a deeper level. Of course, he did not expect her to return at once, though he truly hoped she could have stayed longer. They invited her to attend the reunion that they were planning, but the most he could do was to keep hoping.

Kätlin’s exit left more than just Hermes at a loss. Kätlin chose House A as the winner of the weekly task, and though House B claimed that they accepted it, their later discussion showed that they harbored ill feelings about it. Delio, Johan, Melai and Tibo were by the pool, discussing their loss. They had no problem about losing their weekly budget again, but what bothered them no end was the feeling that they were duped. “Nasa atin nga ang hospitality, andoon naman ang love,” explained Delio. The others agreed. They felt that it was not a fair fight, feeling that Hermes’ presence in the other house was a big factor in Kätlin’s decision.

With Kätlin headed back to Finland, Cathy would inevitably be back in Kuya’s house. Cathy would be leaving her host house on Saturday, and would be re-entering the PBB house this Sunday. Don’t miss her bienvenida, and be there to welcome back one of our own! kirjoitti:Cathy experiences snow and the housemates play games


It’s only a matter of time before Cathy comes back home. Just as Kätlin experienced a lot of firsts in Manila, so did she! Cathy arrived in winter, and was fortunate to have her first encounter with snow. Like a child, she reveled in it with much gusto, inspiring her other housemates to engage in snow games with her. From snowball fights to sliding races, it seems Cathy has formed a lot of memories in Finland already.

Back at the PBB house, the housemates of House A remembered Kätlin as they donned Finnish costumes for today’s activity. They gathered in the activity area to play a game of Trip to Jerusalem, with a tinge of Blindman’s Buff. They had to dance while the music was playing and, just like the usual Trip to Jerusalem, they had to grab a seat as soon as the music stops. This would have been easy enough, had they not been blindfolded. With Patria moving the chairs around, it was no easy task. In the end, Tom emerges as the winner, followed by Hermes as a close second.


The housemates shared several more easy moments, led by the Melason pair. Despite her difficulty with English, Melai enjoyed talking with Kätlin. She also entertained the others by setting a boxing match with Rica aka Valerie Kunsumisyon, with Rica wiining by the twelfth round. Jason, mischievous as always, kept Melai on her toes with her incessant pranks. When the latter tried to sleep, Jason kept her awake by banging bamboo sticks and pouring a glass of water on her. Melai tried to get back at him by hitting him with a pole. Jason pretended to be sweet as he carried Melai over to the dining table, but ended by plopping her onto her seat.

Kätlin’s loss may not have hit them hard, but how will the housemates be affected by tomorrow’s eviction? Make sure you’ve cast your votes, and grab the chance to save your fave housemate. TOM, JASON, DELIO, PATRICK, and MARIELLE are on the line, so save them by texting BB and send it to 2331 for Globe, TM, Sun Cellular and Bayan Wireless Landline or 231 for Smart and Talk n Text subscribers. You can also vote online by logging on to kirjoitti:Kätlin takes part in PBB’s grand cultural show


The day of the cultural show has come; and on the said event, all the housemates put on their best smiles as they flaunt the presentations they have prepared all throughout the week. Aside from the mere experience of Filipino culture’s richness, Kätlin also gets a chance to be swooned off her feet with Hermes’ heartfelt serenade.

After the said event, all the housemates are caught in surprise with Big Brother’s unexpected announcement. On the said reveal, Big Brother gladly informs them that their cultural presentations have nothing to do with their weekly task. Incidentally, their budget for next week lies merely in their visiting housemate’s hands. Basically, Kätlin has to choose which group demonstrated the most welcoming atmosphere these past few days.


Kätlin claims that it is in fact a hard decision to make; but after giving it much thought, she firmly handpicks House A. And in the said house, she spends her last day before flying back to Finland.

Sadly, Katlin will not be the only housemate destined to leave PBB House this week. One among Delio, Mariel, Jason, Tom and Patrick has to head his or her way out for good; and it will finally be decided tomorrow. kirjoitti:Delio Dimaculangan gets booted out of Kuya’s house


Delio Dimaculangan is the latest evictee in Pinoy Big Brother Double Up. The cook from Batangas got the lowest number of text votes (5.43%) among fellow nominees for the second eviction Jason Francisco (51.42%), Tom Mott (22.78%), Patrick Villanueva (14.23%), and Mariel Sorino (6.40%). This is the first time the new House B lost a housemate to eviction. House B was all speechless as host Toni Gonzaga calls Delio to make his exit.

Delio’s final week inside the Big Brother house was utterly dramatic. He got into an argument that left the usual joke Melisa Cantiveros in tears. Delio also had a misunderstanding with his other housemates amidst the rehearsal for the Cultural Show weekly task. A couple of night ago, the Batangueño almost made a voluntary exit when he had too much to drink and became deeply emotional.


As he was welcomed in the outside world by his sister and young nephew, Delio thanked the people who supported him in his month-long stay inside the Big Brother house. He said that being housemate taught him the value of standing by his principles. In his final message, Delio told his housemates to continue good work in the weekly tasks.

Meanwhile, with Delio’s goodbye, the housemates will say hello again to their friend Cathy Remperas who just left Big Brother Finland where she lived for one week for the Big Swap. Cathy is all ready to share to her housemates her experience having a taste of the Finnish culture.

Also tomorrow, catch the live nomination night as a bunch of housemates will be in danger of suffering the same fate as Delio’s. All that and more on Pinoy Big Brother Double Up, Sunday night at 8:15 PM.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 10 Marras 2009 14:11 kirjoitti:Six housemates’ stay are on the line this week


The housemates are still reeling from BB Finland’s Katlin’s departure and Delio’s eviction last night when they had to face Toni Gonzaga’s announcement of the season’s fourth set of nominees. Due to the tie in votes, six housemates’ stay are on the line this week, with two coming from House A and four coming from House B.


After more than a month together, it looks like the housemates’ true personalities are starting to show. In House A, Yuri got nominated for being asleep all the time (five votes) while Tom is beginning to get on his housemates’ nerves for being too bossy and opinionated at times (six votes). In House B, Tibo and Paul Jake got the most nominations (five votes each). The two were nominated by their housemates because they felt Tibo and Paul Jake missed their loved ones outside the house. Jason got nominated too (three votes) for the others think he has too many violations. Carol got a tie with Jason because her housemates felt she couldn’t quite cope with the situations inside the house. Although sad, the nominees are optimistic that they have done enough to prove that they deserve to stay inside Kuya’s house.

The polls are now open to receive your votes! Who do you think deserves another shot within the house? Make your vote count by texting BB and sending it to 2331 for Globe, TM, Sun Cellular and Bayan Wireless Landline users or 231 for Smart and Talk n Text subscribers. You may also cast your vote online by logging on to

Meanwhile, Cathy’s back on Philippine soil! Will the housemates’ welcome her back in open arms? Also would House A and House B be ready for the Pinoy Big Battle? What’s Kuya up to this week? Stay tuned to Pinoy Big Brother Double Up (Update, Uber, Primetime and Uplate) and don’t be left behind in the latest happenings inside the most famous house in the land. kirjoitti:Rica’s birthday and Cathy’s bienvenida


Though four of them were just nominated for this week’s eviction, House B was still up and about with secret preparations. Kuya instructed the housemates to dress up nicely and wait for his cue before going out of their rooms. Melai and Carol hustled their housemates into their respective rooms, causing Rica to wonder if the two were in on the secret. She tried to pry it out of Carol, and would have been successful if not for the quick preparations of the others. It was a good thing that she waited, or she would have missed out on a great surprise birthday party!

It’s Rica’s turn to celebrate her special day, and for her, the housemates obviously put a lot of effort into making her day a special one. With a debut theme, Rica had the customary dance with each of the boys, who presented her with a long-stemmed red rose before the dance. Paul Jake, Tibo and Jason each took her for a spin, while Carol and Melai presented her with heartfelt speeches and a lighted candle. Out of a giant gift popped Johan, wearing only his boxers and a cut-out face of Piolo Pascual. For the first time ever, he danced as a macho dancer would, with Rica giggling naughtily in response. The boys sang “you Look Wonderful Tonight”, after which all feasted on a simple fare of betamax. In her thank you speech, Rica shared that she rarely got to celebrate her birthday. She was either at school or at work, and was used to private gatherings on her special day. It was her first time to receive roses, as well as her first time of having others prepare her birthday for her. Though far from her family, Rica was grateful that she did not have to spend her birthday alone, and was looking forward to more celebrations with her PBB family.


Another big surprise walked in the door, as housemate Cathy came bearing Rica’s birthday cake, completing the house B family. Clad in her BB top and pink jacket, she greeted Rica and was enveloped in Johan’s embrace soon after. The others followed suit and all were exchanging stories and affectionate welcomes.

House A was quite oblivious to the party going on next door, and opted for a refreshing shower. Some took it a notch higher by laying down for a massage. Marielle and Yuri played masseuse to the lucky Rob and Hermes, respectively. Looks like the two boys would be sleeping soundly tonight.

Who else deserves a good night’s sleep this week? It’s your choice! YURI, TOM, PAUL JAKE, JASON, TIBO and CAROL are all on the line, so it would be great if you could help save them. Just key in BB and send it to 2331 for Globe, TM, Sun Cellular and Bayan Wireless Landline or 231 for Smart and Talk n Text. You may also cast your votes online through

Keep posted on the goings-on inside Kuya’s house! Don’t miss out on PBB Updates, Uber and Primetime episodes for your daily dose of PBB news. Check out our official sites on Multiply, Facebook and Twitter! kirjoitti:Mommy Dionesia and Ms. Ai Ai delas Alas are the housemates’ private fitness experts


The latest evictee from the PBB house was Delio, who dropped by for a chat with Mariel on Uber. He shared that he missed his housemates, but was also glad that he was reunited with his family again. He thanked those who supported him and also appealed for understanding, should he have disappointed people with some of his words and actions. Admittedly, he realized that he has to work on his people skills, and should practice more about saying things the proper way and relating better to his peers. Of all his housemates, he had a certain affinity with Melai, whom he regarded as his daughter. He admired her sincerity and her being true to herself.

Melai appears to be the favorite target of Jason’s childish pranks. The two have grown quite close to each other, strengthening ties of both affinity and irritation. His latest prank had Melai searching the house for her underwear, which mysteriously disappeared. She was convinced that Jason was the one behind it, and eventually found the missing items piled under a rug. Most of the time, Melai would just shrug it off, but there were also instances that she would snap at him. One such incident was when Jason spread dishwashing liquid on Melai’s face, under the pretense of massaging her. This had Melai storming off and shutting the door in Jason’s face. It did not seem to faze him much, though, as the two would easily settle differences after having time off.


This week, the two houses will compete daily in various activities, collectively referred to as the “Pinoy Big Battle”. The house that wins three out of five games will be hailed the winner. Since they would definitely need extra stamina and strength, Kuya decided to send in a couple of experts to warm them up. “Ang Tanging Pamilya” stars, Mommy Dionesia and Ms. Ai Ai delas Alas, surprised the housemates as they dropped by to be their fitness trainers. Mommy Dionesia came earlier and taught House B, while Ms. Ai Ai arrived in the afternoon to coach House A. The housemates were starstruck at first, but thanks to the enthusiasm of their coaches, it wasn’t long before they all warmed up. Ai Ai was so tired that she fell asleep in the confession room, only to be awakened by Kuya’s voice. She was fetched by Patria and Patrick, who were speechless at first. The first thing she did once she got inside was to look for Tom, who instantly came up for a hug. Both celebs got a taste of how it was being in Kuya’s house, and the housemates got to spend their Monday laughing out loud, while stretching their muscles in the facial exercises and “bewang and leeg giling”.

The housemates also practiced their athletic abilities with street games such as tumbang preso. House B was so amused with Carol’s outfit, which looked like a baby’s baptism booties. Though enthusiastic to take part in the game, Carol had several tries before getting a hit. She claimed this was because she was not able to compute distance and projectile, but the others thought otherwise. kirjoitti:Pinoy Big Brother housemates face Pinoy Big Battle


This week, House A and House B are up for a friendly competition called Pinoy Big Battle. Unlike their previous weekly tasks, they are actually going for a head-to-head battle with their rivals this time to get their hands on next week’s budget; and in order to claim victory, each group has to struggle in terms of bagging the first three wins out of the five exciting games Big Brother prepared.


For their first challenge, House A and House B are up for a game of water-tug; and in line with the said match, each team has to build a raft out of plastic bottles. Balance and brawn are the main keys of this particular match; but unfortunately, House A immediately loses the first said point after coming up with a raft that obviously lacked proportion.

Given House A’s shortcoming, House B claims victory with a final score of 6-0; but despite the said win, Carol ends up going back home in tears. Incidentally, aside from a quite painful hit she had taken during her one-on-one match with Yuri, Carol got offended by a rather painful joke from the other group, pertaining to her feelings towards Hermes. How could this low blow possibly affect Carol’s performance in their upcoming battles? Find out by staying tuned on the latest updates of Pinoy Big Brother Double Up.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 12 Marras 2009 14:14 kirjoitti:New pets, games and pranks


The housemates have a new addition to their household: worms! Both houses had to take care of these environmental agents and keep them in their special crate of soil. They introduced themselves to the wrigglers and transferred them to their new home, using only their hands. Of all the housemates, it was Carol who had no qualms about handling the slimy worms, to the amazement of the others.

Though she demonstrated perfect calmness on something that would have other girls squealing, Carol gave in to her emotions during the pool battle. She was pitted against Yuri, who was all out in bopping Carol with the foam pole. Being hit in the face had her scrunching up her face in tears, and had to be comforted by Rica afterwards.

The pool game began with a rap prepared by both teams, in lieu of a team cheer. Melai and Patria led their respective houses, and both were game to think up lines to throw at the other. All in clean fun, of course.


If Melai was as easily affected by such things, she would have given up the game since Jason found various ways to irk her every day. Jason added to his list of pranks by squeezing lotion onto Maelai’s hair, asking her to sit on shaving cream and offering her a weird drink. Though Melai would constantly tell him off and retaliate physically in self-defense, the two seem to gravitate even more towards each other. Is this a case of “the more you hate, the more you love” ? He could have gotten away with his pranks, but Jason was not able to escape Kuya’s watchful eyes. He committed a lapel violation, as did Tom, Rica and Rob. Kuya tasked them to stick close to each other and share one microphone as punishment.

To get the housemates warmed up for the numerous games, Kuya sent in Mommy D and the Comedy Concert Queen to act as fitness instructors. Mommy D taught a mix of flexibility exercises and ballroom dancing, choosing Jason as her dance partner. Ms. Ai Ai kept House A running and twisting, and though exhausted herself, claimed that it was indeed worth the sweat. kirjoitti:Tom breaks down as the games take its toll on them


Earlier today, Kuya gathered the house teams to declare the winner of the second battle. First team to win three out of five will be this week’s winner, and would enjoy the benefits of a full budget. House B was clearly ahead in the first half of the game, but House A caught up in the second half. However, one housemate failed to acknowledge the change of rules for the second half. This caused them the win, as the second part of the game was considered void, awarding the win to House B. Rob, the one at fault, had difficulty accepting the decision, feeling that the instant changing of rules was unfair. The other housemates urged him to let it go and to focus on the following games instead, until Yuri and Marielle pointed out that their neighbors also committed violations of the original rule. That Rob’s violation was punished yet the others overlooked riled everyone, and they discussed how to present their case to Kuya. They would have been okay with the decision, except that they felt the decision showed an unfair bias in favor of their opponent.


The games have increased the competition between the two houses, and inevitably, among their respective housemates. Winning did not equate to teamwork and sportsmanship as much as it did survival. No longer was it simple play; it has become a desperate fight for survival. The latter would require ruthlessness and a no holds barred fight, pushing one to disregard humane aspects such as sensitivity and compassion. This realization moved Tom to tears, and he began to question his actions and self-control. He reacted negatively to the other team, and realized that the competition was pushing him to be violent and abrasive. “I don’t want to be violent, and I know that if I play, I play to win.” As with any game, he explained, one plays for his team, but all in fun. However, with the weekly budget at stake, the games have become a fight for survival, and that would mean doing everything possible to ensure his team does not go hungry. But if it meant being pushed to hurt others, “I won’t be able to forgive myself. If that’s the side that has to come out, I’d rather leave. I don’t want that side to come out.” Just thinking negatively towards the others left him full of guilt. Tom felt scared of what he could do. “I can’t function that way. Kung ganoon ‘yung rules, I don’t want to play; I want to leave.” Patrick, quite emotional himself, tried to comfort Tom. He reassured Tom that he just had to control himself more, and believe that he would not hurt others. Tom felt that he could not contribute anything anymore, which Patrick countered by saying that his presence alone was enough contribution.

The games have gotten fiercer, as both houses are gritting their teeth to be at the top. If the fan dance pushed the limits of their physical reservations, what other beliefs will this week’s games contest? kirjoitti:Pinoy Big Battle heats up the clash between House A and House B


As a consequence for Tom and Jason’s shower violation, Big Brother sternly commanded that no other housemate, aside from both of them, will be able to take a shower for a day. Fortunately, Tom’s housemates were able to take the bad news lightly. Aware that he was very much sorry to have dragged them in his mess, his housemates gladly accepted his apology together with the challenge bestowed upon them.


In contrast, Jason’s housemates were pretty pissed upon hearing what he had to say. Paul Jake couldn’t hold himself from personally telling Jason that he is truly inconsiderate. Surprisingly, even favorable Melissa felt a little annoyed with infamous Jason. After giving out her sermon to the lad, she insistently forces him to apologize to everyone for his misdeed.

On the other hand, House A and House B’s head on battle is starting to heat up, most especially after Big Brother raised the stakes for this week’s task. For their second Pinoy Big Battle match entitled “Higad Tayo,” an eerie sense of competition freely flows all over the arena; and brought about by everyone’s struggle to win the said round, someone gets badly hurt along the way. Who could this poor housemate possibly be? Find out by staying tuned on the latest updates of Pinoy Big Brother Double Up.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: Big Brother Filippiinit 3 (Pinoy Big Brother - Double Up)

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 12 Marras 2009 14:20 kirjoitti:PBB ex-housemate Delio Dimaculangan apologizes for his mistakes


During his month long stint in the Pinoy Big Brother Double Up house, Delio Dimaculangan had his share of arguments and disagreements with his housemates. Being unpopular inside the house may have lead to his nomination, and eventually his eviction last November 7. recently interviewed Delio, and he expressed his apologies to all the viewers who may have not liked his actions inside the house. “Batangueño kasi ako, may punto ako kapag nagsalita. Kadalasan mataas ang tono ko pero hindi naman ako galit. Normal lang para sa akin ‘yun. ‘Yung mga housemates siguro akala nila galit ako pero hindi naman. Humihingi ako ng pasensya.”

The 26-year-old cook from Batangas also explained why he often distanced himself from his housemates. “Ugali ko na kasing gusto ko paminsan minsan e maging mag-isa. Sa amin sa Batangas marami akong kaibigan at kabatian. Pero dito kasi sa bahay ni Kuyamga bagong kilala kaya nahihiya pa ako. Hindi ko kasi alam kung paano umasta sa kanila. Iniisip ko na sa baba ng aking pinag-aralan e may masabi akong hindi nila magustuhan.”


A couple of days before he got evicted, Delio got a little drunk and acted strangely towards his housemates. He said that before drinking, he was already bothered by a personal problem concerning his girlfriend and their four-year-old son whom he left behind to join PBB. “Bago pa ako uminom may dinaramdam na talaga ako. Tungkol sa mag-ina ko. Ayokong pag-usapan na kasi gusto ko sa aming pamilya na lang. Basta hindi na maganda ‘yung nararamdaman ko, tapos nakainom pa ako, mas lalo tuloy may mga nasabi ako at nagawa na hindi naging maganda ‘yung tingin. Hinihingi ko ng pasensya lahat ng nagawa ko, kung meron man sa inyong hindi nagustuhan ‘yung inasta ko sa loob ng bahay niKuya. Problemado lang ako, sana maunawaan niyo ako.”

Delio also talked about his argument with Melisa Cantiveros, who he said was his closest friend in House B. Delio dismissed the incident as nothing but a simple case of misunderstanding. “May mga nasabi lang ako na siguro hindi niya nagustuhan. Siya rin may mga nasabi na naging iba ‘yung dating sa akin. Hindi lang talaga kami nagkaunawaan ng panahon na ‘yun. Siguro tumaas na naman ‘yung tono ko na hindi ko namamalayan. Kaya siguro siya napaiyak. Ako naman ay humihingi ng tawad sa kanya. Pero alam ko naman na naintindihan niya ako, kaya nga pagkatapos noon nagkaayos kami agad.”

Also, while practicing their Pandago sa Ilaw weekly task with Finnish swap housemate Katlin Laas, Delio decided to walk away from the group. He told that at that time he felt that no one was interested to hear his opinion about their weekly task. “Kasi nagsasalita ako pero pakiramdam ko walang nakikinig. Kahit sinong tao naman masasaktan kapag nagkaganun. Minsan tuloy ako na lang ‘yung sumasagot sa mga tanong ko kasi wala naman sa kanila ang sumasagot. Nung nagpa-practice kami pakiramdam ko e binabale wala ako kaya nasaktan ako. Pero pinilit ko na lang intindihan, inisip ko baka busy lang sila kaya hindi nila ako napansin.”

But despite these controversies, Delio is still happy to be been given a chance to become a housemate. He said that he felt he was a part of a new family as he and his fellow housemates managed to remain a strong team through victories and failures in the weekly tasks. kirjoitti:Tom exits Kuya’s house


Tom began the week with the weight of a lapel violation, which led to a punishment. It was followed by a shower violation, with its consequence affecting the others. Though he was easily forgiven by the rest, he was still disturbed that he was being a burden to his housemates. Tom was already told to stay put due to his failing health, and all he could do was to stand aside and watch his team go down. He punched the wall in frustration, an action that scared even him. This led to an emotional outburst, and though comforted by the rest of the boys, Tom was still carrying guilt and the pressure to do all for his team.

The pressure and stress of the week finally took its toll on Tom’s physique. His constant exercise was no match for the combined force of emotional, mental and physical strain. Tom was already feeling under the weather, and with the pressure of utter helplessness, a violation and a big loss piled up against him, his body just broke down. His initial check up was not enough and simple bed rest would not suffice. Tom left the PBB house at around 4:30 pm and headed to the hospital, where he will be put under observation and attached to an IV.


House A is temporarily less one housemate, but they were not the only ones affected. Due to Tom’s exit, Kuya declared voting as temporarily suspended, as all await Tom’s return. Will his body be able to surpass this? Or will Tom have to say goodbye permanently to being a housemate? Stay posted to find out updates on Tom’s health. Wait for announcements regarding voting, and whether or not Tom makes it back to the PBB house within the 24-hour limit. kirjoitti:The games shall go on!


Friendly games are still underway, and the House B gathered in the activity area for a game of “Earth Ball”, an environmentally-themed volleyball game. They had to work as teams, with each of the four members holding on to one corner of a blanket. It is with this blanket that they were to serve and catch the ball. It was a race to 15 points, and in the end, the blue team won.

Another environmental awareness activity being done by the housemates was vermicomposting. This is one way of helping nature and lessening the garbage that always seem to be in surplus. With the help of worms, biodegradable trash can break down faster and may be used as fertilizer. As grossed out by it as some of the girls were, all did their part in looking after their pet worms and preparing the trash.

Fun and games are day-long for Jason, usually at the cost of the others. Melai confronted him and told him straight out to get out of the house, instead of making everyone else pay for his violations. Jason apologized to the others, yet was back at his pranks a few moments later. As for Carol, the games were not only pushing her physically, but emotionally as well. Her first game had her bawling in the middle of the pool, which added to the perception of her being a weakling. Rica teased her about this, while Melai advised her to be brave. Carol has already done a lot of things that she normally would not, and being brave might as well be part of the package.


Both houses put their all in the week’s activities. Each activity prodded the housemates to prepare and plan strategy, even holding mock ups of the tasks. The Pinoy Big Battle led to more than a simple competition, and turned out to be a battle for one’s survival. Not only were they fighting for their weekly budget, but their win could also affect the number of nominees from their house. Issues of rough play and unfair practices push all beyond their limits, and at what price? kirjoitti:House A loses the second Pinoy Big Battle match


Big Brother highlights another set of violations this week; and as expected, delinquent Jason is once again part of the said bunch. Incidentally, Jason and Rica are caught committing the lapel violation in House B, so Big Brother punishes them by having a handheld microphone with stand tied at both of them all throughout the day in exchange for their lapels.

On the other house, Rob and Tom face the same consequence, since they are also guilty of the same crime. At first, they actually find the task hilarious, but after Big Brother breaks the news regarding their loss during the previous match, the smiles on Rob and Tom’s faces simply vanished.

Apparently, Big Brother explains that their loss was due to a game violation that their group committed during the game. He elaborates that due to Rob’s intentional foul during the last round of the match, their win has been considered null and void. Upon hearing the said revelation, Rob immediately seeks for reconsideration since he claims that the other team had cheated as well, thus making his action acceptable at some point. Unfortunately for House A, Big Brother remains unmoved with his final decision; and upon realizing this, Tom grows pretty upset, to the point that it actually takes toll on his health.


Currently, Tom is confined in a nearby hospital where physicians are paying close attention to his poor condition. Unfortunately for him, the said event can actually cost him his stay inside the house since Big Brother has a particular 24-hour rule regarding leaving his house’s premises. Now, can Tom possibly make his way back in Big Brother’s House on time? Find out by staying tuned on the latest updates of Pinoy Bog Brother Double Up.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Viestit: 195
Liittynyt: 25 Huhti 2006 16:46

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja eanvais » 22 Marras 2009 16:00

En löytänyt parempaa aluetta ja vastaus voi olla englanniksikin.

Mitä ihmettä tuolla PBB:ssä tapahtuu? Lähes kaikki pakkaavat ja häätö oli eilen jo. Meinaavatko he heittää molemmista taloista lähes kaikki ulos?

Vastaa Viestiin

Palaa sivulle “Asukasvaihto / Housemate swap”