Sivu 12/14

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 05 Marras 2010 20:42
Kirjoittaja Xanten
kaja_slo kirjoitti:We know nothing about that. Where did you find out that ?
On our daily BB Extra show 19-19.30. Mr.Aaltonen, the scriptwriter, who is there in Slovenia with Niko told that. There will be party with "lots of alcohol". I suppose the farewell party will come true, as your Housemates yesterday were suggesting.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 05 Marras 2010 23:01
Kirjoittaja sally
I just cannot wrap my mind around the fact that there is basically no alcohol in the house (apart from now). Isn't drinking in Slovenia like a normal thing, pass time, social activity? Like for example in Czech and other countries close by. I would've assumed that beer is as common as milk. That is based on my own experience in Prague; everybody drinks it, all the time.
Is Slovenian BB production trying to stay out of scandals or what is it? At least it would've loosen up things in the house, presumably. Where as this swap with those people has been the lamest we've seen in the history of Finland's BB. Nothing personal about Slovenia, just seems that Slovenian housemates are not too fascinated about the swap. I'm hesitant to say that it would only be due to language barriers because even in our house Nino and some other really bad english speakers are trying really hard (at least at times) to communicate with Sandra.

Oh well, experience among others for Niko and for other housemates. Luckily the swap has been really great for our housemates because Sandra is fun personality; a female version of Niko, if I may.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 03:32
Kirjoittaja tomaz889988
Hello Finland :wink:

I agree with you "sally" totally.

Slovenian theme this year is Alice from Wonderland and it's exactly what we see here, the journey into the twilight zone of the human mind. Beautiful house, colorfull, and "famous" inhabitants get to experience the dark, rotten interior.
Niko is like Alice. He fell in the house where nothing is like it looks to be. He will come out richer with the experience of how shallow and blatant people can be. It's really sad of our BB to concentrate on the negative side of the human mind. It's much better what BB In Finland is doing. Having fun rarely hurts, bad mood almost always does! Our housemates are all the same, occupied with themselves, desperate and driven insane by BB and don't have time to see past their own noses.
Really sad.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 05:35
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
^ Sandra got a bit of that "Alice in the Wonderland" treatment here too, first being introduced to the history, customs, politics, cuisine, traditions, etc. of "Finland" by none other than the native inhabitants of that country, then being told the "Finland" she already learned to love does not really exist.

Of course, all in the name of the game, as the weekly task required them to do just that - and until the very last moment, they weren't even sure if she had been buying any of it. But it was quite heart-wrenching to see how she was so happy, excited and enthusiastic during the journey but then came crashing down the full emotional scale from happiness to the feeling of betrayal and numbness, or emptiness, when she was eventually told none of it was true at all. (Poor thing, she was even talking about how she would just like to go home "right now" when the disappointment set in. :( )

During the exchange week, the Finnish housemates were all increasingly concerned about possibly hurting Sandra's feelings "with all this bullshit" (as I think Eetu put it). When the cat was finally out of the bag and when she reacted the way she did, they all got really sad and embarrassed about the whole thing; feeling really shitty about having had to do that to her. Marika and Elisabet - others too, but they were the most active - were trying to comfort her to the best of their ability, and many of the housemates were individually apologizing to her later during the toast speeches, and trying to make her feel better about the whole thing, instead of considering herself an ignorant fool.

Fortunately, she had the strength to overcome the initial shock, and she was already able to laugh about it later on during the evening... even though she'll probably remain forever disappointed that it wasn't true. It was also fortunate that Sandra bonded so very well with our housemates - straight from the beginning, in only a couple of days time - and that they never lied about themselves (or about other things which were discussed outside the pre-planned presentations and discussion topics) so they could still maintain that personal-level trust they had created even after the task was over and all the collective lies had been revealed.

The housemates have been saying so many nice things about Sandra - both in her presence and when she's been out of hearing range - there's no doubt they really love her. (Except perhaps Jani, who can't stand cheery singing early in the morning or late at night, and who was really pissed off when that happened the first time... ;) ...but even he eventually warmed up to Sandra, and has had some nice conversations going on with her.) She has left a lasting impression on all of them, but especially Elisabet, Petri, Marika and Eetu. As usual for these exhcanges, they're planning to still meet each other in both countries and keep in contact outside BB as well.

(Sandra would like to meet all her housemates in Slovenia. Of course, such plans do not always materialize, but I can imagine at least Elisabet actually doing the trip at some point... maybe others too if they'll travel as a group. As for trips to the other direction, Elisabet has already offered her home for Sandra to stay in while in Finland.)

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 06:02
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
Forgot to add my compliments:

All in all, Sandra has been an excellent housemate in our house; trying to take part in everything, openly discuss with everyone, teaching the housemates new games, wanting to carry out duties such as making food and cleaning (the housemates didn't let her do that much), comforting a couple of our housemates when they have been crying over emotional distress during the week, and even offering philosophical guidance to both Elisabet and Petri while interfering a heated drunken argument between them - it was about certain moral questions. She's been a positive, open-minded, emphatically intelligent and intelligently curious, active housemate... and at the same time a strong individual standing up and speaking out for her ideals. (And hey, not a half-bad singer, either! ;))

Naturally, we only get to see the best side of a person during such a short visit - she would need to stay longer for her possible annoying traits to really pop out. But I'd say she's also the "best" - and most interesting, as a person - of the three exchange housemates we've had in Big Brother Finland so far.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 06:23
Kirjoittaja Punde
That gentleman who wrote those two posts above might be brutal, but that was pretty much the most perfect unbiased summary of Sandra's exprerience in BB Finland you could expect on this forum. I don't agree with some small parts of it, but who wouldn't? It's BB, everyone has their opinions.

Sandra has also shown that she's not an all-loving always happy picture perfect camper, she's certainly been annoyed by some of our production's stupidities last night, and also voiced that. That, for me, makes her clearly the best exchange housemate we've had. No doubt.

I'd marry her, but I fear Elisabet could be the bridesmade, so I won't bother to propose. Wink.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 07:00
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
Oh, yet another thing. When Sandra leaves Big Brother Finland today and returns home, could those of you following Big Brother Slavnih please keep us updated on what she's telling about her trip to her original housemates, or how she's commenting her Finnish housemates or the events in BBF to them?

As for Punde's comment, I think there may be some things in Sandra's life philosophy or belief system that don't quite fly with me... but I was trying to look at the whole picture from farther apart... and was also going to add to the original post that Cathy from the Philippines (the BBF 2009 exchange housemate) was the cuter of the two - cute as a pie, even suspiciously so, and funny too - but not as interesting as a person.

Slovenian readers should not believe any "romance" news they've probably been fed with by the local BB production team because of the nightly sleeping arrangements in the BBF house. Petri is the guy every woman in the BBF house seems to use as a sleeping buddy at some point, but his thinking is too straightforwardly pessimistic and goals in life too undetermined and aimless for them to make a couple. The Finnish BBF viewers have also seen confession room sessions from both basically saying the same thing (if I recall correctly, Sandra's comment about the possibility of her warming up to Petri was "not likely" and according to his diary room session, Petri looks up to Sandra with great respect and admiration and sees her as a kind of an ideal woman - and is clearly mesmerized by her singing - but the pessimist he is, says a guy like him is not "worthy of her".) There's been no kissing or anything like that, either. For her last night in the BBF house, Sandra has been sleeping between Elisabet and Eetu.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 07:09
Kirjoittaja Punde
BrutalGentleman kirjoitti:but I was trying to look at the whole picture from farther apart...
Punde kirjoitti:pretty much the most perfect unbiased summary of Sandra's exprerience in BB Finland you could expect
:) You did well. Great actually. No need to explain youself.

edit: not to sound like some kind of jedi master yoda dude, I think that last comment of mine was needless.

I'd also say that I've quite enjoyed your live update summaries, because I can't be bothered to read the lengthy Finnish ones. (Just stop reading when you get too much compliments, they are usually true you know, however you think of em :P )

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 13:00
Kirjoittaja Gulak
For me hands down Cathy has been the best exchange housemate. She was super cute and had a great personality. Sandra was ok, but nothing special, she felt a bit fake also. Only yesterday we saw a bit of her true self when she complained about the karaoke all the time.

I wish Ines would have been the one to come here, she seemed to be a more interesting person and much much more beautiful than Sandra. :)

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 18:21
Kirjoittaja warre1
Sandra just wondered why Niko spoke finnish in his videomessage yesterday to his housemates when Sandra was told by Finnish BB to spoke english in her's.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 18:31
Kirjoittaja Devilish
Niko was so happy when they had the party. Was so nice to see him having fun and smiling :cheers

I was really happy that Niko was here. Was really nice to have him here if i take out the stupid acting of our housemates. He's a really nice and positive guy. He wanted to do a lot of things and help out, but someone always said: no no i'll do it... damn :roll: He is a really nice guy, he tried to bring some freshness in our house but as stated before, our dumb HM's spent more time talking about eachother and fighting to notice, that there is someone else in the house and that they could do some things together and that he needs to be treated as an equal HM.

I hope you'll keep us posted what he thinks about this swap (even if it will be bad news) ;)

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 20:24
Kirjoittaja kitek
Sandra leaves in 1hr time.
some of the videos on Sandra's stay in BB Finland I keep uploading, check this page for updates ... nland&aq=f

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 20:58
Kirjoittaja omelia
Devilish kirjoitti:Niko was so happy when they had the party. Was so nice to see him having fun and smiling :cheers
Yes he was and so were your housemates, very great party !
I have "some" pictures:










Devilish kirjoitti:I was really happy that Niko was here. Was really nice to have him here if i take out the stupid acting of our housemates. He's a really nice and positive guy. He wanted to do a lot of things and help out, but someone always said: no no i'll do it... damn :roll: He is a really nice guy, he tried to bring some freshness in our house but as stated before, our dumb HM's spent more time talking about eachother and fighting to notice, that there is someone else in the house and that they could do some things together and that he needs to be treated as an equal HM.
I dont blame your housemates, I think it was because of that weekly task, your housemates were very stressed about it and were so disappointed and angry when Ines had breached the castle and they had to build it again and again. I think that some happier weekly task would have been better for this swap week. This was very dramatic weekly task. Usually when we have had swap (three times now, first with Africa, then with Philippines and now with Slovenia) weekly tasks have been happier and built around that person who comes to foreign country; many tasks and much cultural performances like songs, dances, music, games, traditional food preparation etc. Now it was different but I think Niko liked to be with your housemates and I heard several times that they want to keep in touch :) And when your weekly task ended your housemates were much relaxed and happier and spoke english so I blame that weekly task, not your housemates. Niko became close especially with Maki, Zlatko and Činč.

If your housemates talk about Niko it would be nice if you could tell here what they are talking about him :)

Sorry for my bad english :oops:

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 21:26
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
Sandra has left the Big Brother Finland house. (See the video here.) After she disappeared through the door, Elisabet, Noora and Marika were left just standing there, hugging each other and crying their eyes out.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 06 Marras 2010 23:41
Kirjoittaja Devilish
omelia kirjoitti:If your housemates talk about Niko it would be nice if you could tell here what they are talking about him :)

Sorry for my bad english :oops:
Sure, me or someone else will write what she'll say.
And no worries about your english, it's fine :wink:

Oh and i agree with you about the weekly task. It really wasn't appropriate. They are stressed because they are running out of coffee and have almost no more ciggarettes so if they don't make it they won't have enough money for all the things they need. The task should have been something nice and fun that there wouldn't be so much stress.

I see Sandra's goodbye was very emotional :(

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 07 Marras 2010 03:47
Kirjoittaja bbslo
warre1 kirjoitti:Sandra just wondered why Niko spoke finnish in his videomessage yesterday to his housemates when Sandra was told by Finnish BB to spoke english in her's.
Slovenian housemates also wondered why Sandra forgot to speak Slovenian in one week and why she talks to them in English. I think this will be one of discussion themes when she arrives back.

As for the party, Urška was quite drunk, hugged everyone and danced around Niko. She wanted to wear something sexy for Niko and even persuaded Ines to change into more revealing clothes. She soon said that she is quite drunk and went to sleep.

Nana was also drunk, but she was walking around, talking about how good person BB is, complaining about the lack of cigaretes and accusing Maki because he refused to give her more cigaretes (he gave the cigaretes to housemates several times during the day). BB punished her several times, she was punished 7 times for 10 EUR.

In the confession room, she talked about how much sex she has with her husband, how they watch porn movies, then talked directly with BB and invited him to come to her house, where she will prepare the dinner. She continued to act weirdly and is the first person to receive punishment while in the confession room, 10 EUR more that she spent for her housemates.

It looks like the lack of cigaretes is causing her to become extremely bitchy. She discussed with Urška today that her psychiatrist told her that the need to smoke is only in the brain. Urška told that she decided to stop smoking when she found out that she is pregnant, but that her doctor told her not to stop smoking immediately but slowly.

Nana then wondered how she could persuade BB to give cigaretes. She constructed a story that someone could turn violent on other housemates during the night, if they do not receive the cigaretes.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 07 Marras 2010 06:14
Kirjoittaja omelia
Niko is back. He told that his Slovenian trip was good because it was different and exotic experience compared to Finnish Big Brother and he liked to be in Slovenian BB-house.

He told that Zlatko and Maki became close to him and he spent most time with them and liked them. And of girls he mentioned Ines closest. (He also said that Petri would have liked Ines :D )

Niko said that only thing which he didn't like was how some boys treated girls in Slovenian BB-house, he said that sometimes boys thought that women are only women.

Niko said that all house mates didn't spoke very much English and didn't always came to talk with him but he went and started to talk with them but he thinks that maybe it was because they were celebrities. He told many times that he liked all Slovenian house mates as a person and wants to keep in touch with them, especially Zlatko and Maki, maybe even see them again some day :)

Niko also told about their weekly task and about farewell party and those cheats and games what he played with house mates. And he said many times that it was good and nice experience :) He told that Slovenian BB-house was fine, all colors and that Alice in Wonderland-theme.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 07 Marras 2010 11:34
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
I wasn't awake when Niko re-entered the BBF house, so I didn't see the discussions live. But according to the news on the official Big Brother Finland website (here and here), he's been telling his Finnish housemates...

1. There were schisms between the Slovenian housemates: he had noticed some strange behavior and interactions going on every day that hinted into this direction.

2. Men and women seemed to have separate jobs and duties; men were considered men, women were "only women" (There was lack of equality he's used to in the Finnish Big Brother house; he even mentions no woman has ever won Big Brother Slovenia.)

3. He had some difficulty in understanding what's going on because of the language problems, but he noticed there was some infighting in the house even the same day when he left.

4. He mentions the first time they were allowed to get drunk in the house was when he brought the bottle of vodka with him, and the second time during his farewell party. They had wine and whiskey but didn't have cider or other mild drinks, unlike the Finnish house. They also got all the drinks at the same time, instead of as separate batches during the night. (Big Brother didn't ration the consumption the same way.)

5. There had not been lot of action going on during the week. Niko says they got it better in the BBF house.

6. He was wondering why they didn't have a toaster or a microwave oven in the Big Brother Slavnih house (which they both do have in the Big Brother Finland house.) But at the same time he was complimenting on the food, it was great.

7. Niko told his Finnish housemates that Sandra speaking English on the video had angered her Slovenian housemates. (Even though Sandra only spoke English on the video by the orders of the Finnish Big Brother.)

8. Niko has commented on the atmosphere (personal chemistry between the housemates) being better in the Big Brother Finland house than in the Big Brother Slavnih house. Nothing wrong with the individual Slovenian housemates, though. He also thinks that as far as hospitality is considered, Sandra probably got a bit better reception in the BBF house than himself in the BBS house.

9. He's been imitating some of the phrases that the Slovenian Big Brother uses in his announcements, in Slovenian language.

10. He has also mentioned he didn't get the same kind of special surprises during the week as arranged for Sandra, it was like normal living in some house.

11. The general atmosphere (as regards to the personal chemistry between the housemates) was tense, a bit like a ticking time bomb. "When I was there, they were clearly trying. But I can just imagine what it is like now that I left." He tells an example about this: he had tried to get some of the women to come sit down on the couch and talk with him. They couldn't sit down there as some other housemate they disliked was already there.

Elisabet is worried about what kind of a reception Sandra will get when she gets back into her house. She also reminded Niko that Big Brother had specifically ordered Sandra to speak English in the greetings video so she had no choice.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 07 Marras 2010 12:52
Kirjoittaja kaja_slo
Thanks a lot, BG. Almost everything is true. Niko got it right, he's a good observer. We eagerly await Sandra's comeback. I'm afraid 3 blondes in the house will envy her but won't tell this aloud.
She will be nominated by the girls asap.
The only thing that Niko couldn' see is that Ines is the main reason for all the quarells in the house. She spits on Igor from the first day and convinces all the girls - including Činč - that he's the bad guy. For me she is the seed of evil.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 07 Marras 2010 15:35
Kirjoittaja Devilish
Besides Ines, Igor and Nana are horrible. Igor wiht his "putting down all women" (and as we noticed yesterday, he's a also a liar) attitude and Nana with her hipocrisy and lies...makes me wanna puke. :roll:

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 07 Marras 2010 15:51
Kirjoittaja kaja_slo
Devilish kirjoitti:Besides Ines, Igor and Nana are horrible. Igor wiht his "putting down all women" (and as we noticed yesterday, he's a also a liar) attitude and Nana with her hipocrisy and lies...makes me wanna puke. :roll:
Igor is not "putting down all women" but only those that are in the house. And those are really not worth a word - except Sandra.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 07 Marras 2010 17:46
Kirjoittaja Devilish
I wanna see how you would feel if someone would say you're the biggest scum he's ever that right? No it's not. Everything can be said without all the drama and all the cursing he does. He's shown his real face, later than others but he showed it. He's a bitter man, he likes to put people down and all his excuses are lame. It's his way or no way. There are no words for his acting and the same goes for Nana and Ines.